
who where her officers i know of
Henry George Kendall-Captain-aged 39-survived
Thomas Jones-1st officer-aged ?-?
who where her...
other officers
seinor engineers
raidio officers
cheif stewards
Hi James,
The Empress of Ireland's officers were
Henry George Kendall, captain, Mansfield Richard Steede, chief, Edward John Jones, first, Roger Williams, second, O. File, extra second, Charles Alwyn Moore, third, and B. Tunstall, fourth. The surgeon was James Frederick Grant. The purser was Alexander B. McDonald, his assistants were Ernest Hayes and C. Wakeford. The carpenter was Victor Peterson, and his assistant, Walter Taylor. Chief Engineer was William Sampson.
Henry George Kendall-captain-survived
Mansfeild Richard Steede-cheif officer-?
Edward John Jones-1st officer-?
Roger Williams-2nd officer-?
O File-extra 2nd officer-?
Charles Awlyn Moore-3rd officer-?
B Tunstall-4th officer-?
William Samson-chief engineer-?
Edward Bamford-radio officer-?
Ronald Ferguson-radio officer-?
James Fredrick Grant-surgeon-?
Alexander B Mcdonald-cheif purser-?
Ernest Hayes-assistant purser-?
C Wakeford-assistant purser-?
Victor Peterson-carpenter-?
Walter Taylor-joiner-?

who were her cheif 1st,2nd,3rd class stewards?who were the 2nd engineer and assistants 3rd engineer and assistants? if you were wondering what ? means did they survive or not?oh and there must have been another surgeon what was his name?
Hi James,
Of those above the following survived - Kendall, Jones, File, Sampson, Grant, Hayes, Wakeford. I haven't got my notes handy on the wireless men. The chief steward was Augustus Gaade, who survived. The second steward was Alexander Craik, who died. The second class steward was John Robertson, saved, while Charles Lewis, the third class steward died. The Empress, as far as I am aware, had just one surgeon.