Olympic in the New York Times

Hey everyone,

While I was doing research for my Olympic paper, I happened to find the New York Time’s index for every year from 1870-Present. So I looked through to find Olympic articles and found over 230 articles throughout. They are all posted below, just incase you have access to the NY Times on microfilm. I most likely missed some, so if you have any other post them here! Some of the articles are fascinating reads and gives you detailed description of events that you cannot find anywhere else. Though I noticed you have to do some fact checking on some of the information. I hope you get a chance to check some out.


Month/ Day/ (Section: If a Sunday Paper)/ Page/ Column/ Headline (if I had it)


Apr 23 1:6


Mar 7 5:5---Dec 12 (5)7:1


Jan 11 18:2---Oct 21 (4) 3 “World’s Largest Vessel Launched” ---Oct 23 (3) 4:3---Oct 25 10:2---Oct 30 5:7---Nov 6 1:3---Nov 18 1:2


Jun 3 8:1 “Olympic Leave Liverpool” ---Jun10 “Seamen’s Strike Begins” ---Jun 11 “Olympic Crew Win” ---Jun 14 “Strike of Seamen Ordered for To-Day” ---Jun 15 “The Olympic Sails” ---Jun 16 1:3---Jun 18 (3) 3:5 "Olympic Like a City"---Jun 20 6:5 “Olympic Exceeds Promise” ---Jun 21 1:1 “Giant Olympic in at Midnight” ---Jun 22 4:2 “Biggest of Liners Gets Noisy Welcome---Jun 23 10:4 ---Jun 24 9:4 “4,000 Visit the Olympic” ---Jun 25 10:5 “Thousands Visit the Olympic” ---Jun 26 14:6---Jun 27 2:1 “Olympic Preparing to Sail” ---Jun 28 ? ? “Olympic Off To-Day with Record List” ---Jun 29 11:3, 1:7, 2:1,10:5---Jul 2 1:3--- Jul 19 ? ? "Olympic Cut's Her Own Time"---Sep 21 1:7, 12:2 “Olympic Hit by Cruiser; Badly Damaged”---Sep 22 1:1, 10:3 "Olympic's Repairs to Take 3 Months"---Sep 23 1:5---Sep 29 3:3---Oct 1 (3) 3:2---Oct 5 4:3---Oct 28 1:5---Oct 30 10:4---Nov 1 1:2---Nov 13 5:2---Nov 17 3:1---Nov 21 6:2---Nov 22 7:5---Nov 25 5:2---Nov 27 10:3---Nov 28 12:3---Nov 29 3:1---Dec 7 22:2---Dec 8 10:1---Dec 9 4:5---Dec 10 (3) 1:2---Dec 10 (5) 9:5---Dec 20 2:7, 12 3---Dec 24 1:2


Jan 13 22:2---Feb 22---Feb 28 3:4---Feb 29 4:4---Mar 5 3:5---Apr 2 1:2---Apr 11 1:4---Apr 14 13:5---Apr 22 2:2,3---Apr 23 4:1,3---Apr 25 1:3 “Firemen Strike; Olympic Held” ---Apr 26 1:5 “Olympic Strikers Make Demand---Apr 27 1:3, 4:2, 14:1 “Duke Offered Help to Sail the Olympic” ---May 1 1:6---May 2 4:5 “Olympic to Miss a Trip” ---May 5 (3) 3:4---May 16 4:3 “Old Sailors on Olympic” ---May 23 13:4---Aug 12 1:5---Sep 19 4 3---Sep 21 3:5---Sep 27 14:4


Feb 23 3 4:1---Mar 13 5:2---Apr 3 5:2---Apr 10 3:7 “Olympic, Done Over, Once More in Port” ---Jul 12 1:7---Jul 13 (2) 1:7---Jul 14 4:5---Sep 4 4 :2---Sep 26 3:4---Sep 27 4:3,12:4---Sep 28 (3) 2:8


Aug 5 ? ? “Olympic, Warned, Arrives”---Aug 9 ? ? “Olympic Leaves with Coal”


Nov 18 8:1---Dec 17 4:2---Dec 26 5:2

Jan 5 7:8---Jun 3 17:2---Sep 20 11:4---Nov 29 10:6

Jun 21 17:4---Jul 1 13:1---Jul 3 20:1---Jul 4 12:5---Jul 9 7:1---Aug 8 22:4---Sep 27 17:4---Nov 14 (9) 12:3---Nov 28 18:3---Nov 30 24:4---Dec 29 21:5


Jan 13 2:5---Jun 13 23:5---Sep 1 1:6---Nov 3 19:2---Dec 17 1:2---Dec 18 20:4


Jul 23 1:5---Jul 27 3:5---Jul 31 18:4---Aug 20 21:2---Aug 21 13:3


Jan 18 15:5---Jun 21 1:4---Jun 30 2:2,3---Aug 26 3:7---Sep 9 22:1


Mar 23 1:4---Mar 24 26:4---May 1 22:3---May 20 36:2---May 25 27:2---Sep 10 12:1---Oct 1 8:2---Nov 12 7:1---Nov 13 6:5---Nov 20 4---Dec 4 6:3---Dec 18 28:3---Dec 25 19:8


Jan 18 29:5---Jan 24 2:5---Mar 5 9:1---Mar 25 3:2---Aug 6 12:3---Aug 27 6:3---Jun 17 13:1


Feb 1 4:4---Feb 4 2:5---May 9 18:4---Dec 1 12:7


Feb 10 25:8---May 4 18:4---Jul 27 27 3---Sep 15 4 6


Feb 19 (2) 18:1---Mar 25 (2) 3:7---Aug 29 23:4---Aug 30 43:1---Dec 19 43:1


Jan 8 18:1---Feb 18 47:1---Jun 8 1:2---Oct 29 63:2---Oct 31 26:2---Nov 2 13:3---Nov 21 4:2---Nov 23 43:4---Dec 7 1:5---Dec 10 15:2---Dec 17 63:2---Dec 19 55:2---Dec 22 (2) 17:1

Jan 3 4:5---Jan 30 28:2---Feb 5 47:1---Mar 27 56:2---Mar 29 21:7---Apr 16 59:2---Apr 18 51:2--- Nov 5 143?:1---Dec 4 50:1---Dec 13 13:3---Dec 28 3:2


Mar 7 39:2---Aug 7 35:1---Aug 9 2 3:4---Sep 29 51:2---Oct 23 47:2


Jun 30 45:1---Oct 19 41:3---Oct 30 6:2---Nov 2 41:6


Mar 9 29:2---Sep 7 43:1---Sep 27 43:2


Jan 21 31:4---Apr 2 35:3---Apr 29 33:1---May 16 1:4 “Olympic Sinks Lightship in Fog; 7 Die, 4 Rescued Off Nantucket; 3:1 "Liner's Passengers Saw Dead Float By"; 3:3 "5 New Bedford Men Lost on Lightship"---May 17 1:4 "Olympic's Speed 19 Knots in Fog" 20:3,5,7; 22:2---May 18 1:7---
May 20 (2) 9:1---May 22 24:2---May 25 43:4---Jun 5 45:4---Jun 6 1:2---Jun 7 47:1---Jun 9 31:3--- Jun 30 29:2---Jul 18 37:6---Aug 30 21:8


Feb 10 (2) 9:2---Mar 31 (2) 9:2---Apr 2 43:2---Apr 14 2:3---May 19 35:1---Aug 5 31:7---Aug 21 41:6---Aug 25 (2) 8:1---Sep 11 25:7---Oct 5 6:4---Oct 12 19:6---Oct 14 37:7---Oct 20 (5) 12:1---Nov 4 43:8


Jan 18 31:1
Hey Mark,

How have you been? I have seen a lot of them on the board, I must commend you....I get tired of transcribing very quick, some of those article take a long time. I loved reading about the maiden voyage. Have you been able to find any article on Olympic's time at Inverkeithing?

Hello, again, Trent---

I'll have to check on that. I know I have an article about her arrival at Jarrow, but I don't recall having found one yet about her final demolition at Inverkeithing. If not, I'll check on that the next time I do some microfilm reading.
I've read through the NYT reports of the beginning of World War I in August 1914 and have copies of a great many articles (including these two) in my files. There's quite a bit about the disruption of shipping in general, and White Star's ships in particular. Fascinating stuff.