Olympic room for sale on Ebay

Mark Chirnside asked me to post to following message due to some computer problems from his end.


I thought this might be of interest:

I'm sure it will provoke a good debate!

Kindest regards,

Could be Olympic but doesn't look specifically like the Smoking Room. The pattern of the Mother O' Pearl look different from the photos. The arched door looks too small for the Smoking Room. This could have come from a cabin instead.

I could be wrong. What does everyone else think?

Wow, this is awesome. Thanks Mark and Remco for posting this. I don't think though there was an arch door in the Smoking Room. There were arch surounds for the Mother of Pearl windows in the casing. There is another area where this "arched" panel could have come from, the two small partions which separated the two writing desks, port and starboard. But it certainly looks like Olympic's Smoking Room panelling, which was thought to be lost.

The pricing is obscene, in my opinion! I'm no antiques dealer but isn't it prudent to provide a certificate of authenticity when flogging something at this price? One should never use 'I think', or 'It's never been in books'if one is confident about what one is selling! That to me indicates a 'fast job'. What was it P. T. Barnum said?
There's a sucker born every minute and we're gonna take him for all he's got.

Well, it was along those lines anyways. Wow. If that person wants to sell that room at that price, they'd BETTER be able to supply some proof... If I had that much money I'd rather spend it on additions to my Titanic library.
I think the arched door is more akin to the 1st class resturaunt...
If sections of this are indeed form the 1st class smoking rooom, then lets hope the amazing stained glass windows, and fireplace have survived...

tarn Stephanos
This is MY opinion, and MINE, ALONE; In NO WAY!!!! is this sanctioned by ET.

Now: I would be extremely careful about getting involved in a transaction of this nature.

First off, I don't think anyone, other than Bill Gates, has that sort of money to spend. Also, this should not be the sort of thing that would be auctioned off.
And, who is supposed to pay for the dismantling and shipping costs?

I'd be interested in knowing the location of this room, as well. If nothing else, somebody in the UK should be able to validate the location, and the items.

Also, the seller may be someone to be extremely wary of. However, I need to check at least one or two sources, first.

Right now, there are no bids, as most people checking eBay would have to take out a mortgage before they could pay the listed price. For me, the quoted price is 7 years salary.
Needless to say, I won't be competing with others on eBay.
Parks, I just sent Charlie an inquiry, through eBay. I will let everyone know, when I receive a reply.

I specifically asked "Question: Where in England is this room located? How far is it from either Newcastle, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, London, or Southampton?".

At least this way we'll have a good idea of where this room is.
I'm very weary of these type of transactions. Whoever decided the price is asking for way too much money. The finish on the paneling looks too "new" in my opinion and how would anyone know for sure that this is the real thing without a certificate of authenticity. As Jake posted above, it's only right to provide one.

I'm with Alicia, if I had that kind of money I'd use it to add to my Titanic collection as well.

Best regards,

Reply, just received:
"I can not tell where the room is since, from all the Titanic e-mails, need to have the owners private. But an expert said this room is unique. No one has heard of it.
If you have other questions if for a serious
bid can address those.".

My own thought: If I was brokering this type of sale, I'd have the full facts available: "Location, location, location", to borrow that catch phrase.

If any one wishes to inquire further, Mr. Sachs' email is listed on the eBay page.
At most I would guess the paneling value- at most to be in the $30,000 range, and even that is high..
I might even be less, who knows...

The price being asked is ridiculously high...

Olympic was very much like Titanic- but she was NOT Titanic, hence the sky high price is not warrented.......

I dont think Titanic wreckwood of that volume would sell for that ammount...

But then again, a mere boarding pass that belonged to a 3rd class survivor sold for $100,000 in 1999, but that was an anomaly....

tarn Stephanos