Percival Sharp

Does anyone have any further information on this passenger? I have a copy of his bio which Jason kindly attached a link for me (thanks) but was wondering if anyone else had any further information?
Hello Julie,

There is a one line entry in the Titanic Relief Fund Mansion House booklet of March 1913 under: Cases in the London Area: Passenger Claim No 88. It reads Sharpe, dependant, Mother. Payment 35 pounds.
While other 1912 documentation has Sharp, I note that the Contract Ticket List also has the spelling Sharpe, so it may be that that was the correct spelling.
Thanks Lester, I appreciate you looking into this. By chance, does it list the mothers name and any address?

The reason I'm asking is that he "supposedely" travelled with my Great Grandfather (Henry James Beauchamp), I haven't been able to find any claim under his name and am trying to track back and see what the relationship was. I realize its clutching at straws but you never know <smile>
Hello Julie,

There are no other details. The booklet has 3 "Case" sections.
1] The country and area cases name the deceased Passenger or Crew member [usually only the surname] and state the relationship of the dependant: Parents, Mother, etc.
2] The "Crew" cases do not give the name of the Crew member, but do name the dependants and give their relationship to the deceased.
3] In the Passengers Weekly Allowances section the dependants are named. Their relationship is stated together with the amount. Again the deceased is not named.

There is no "supposedly" about it. They travelled on the same ticket.
i am a direct descendant of Percival I have always been fasticinated with the titanic disaster i am currently trrying to find out as much as possible about my relative i have learned more with this site about him than i ever have ever done before so thank you for that if anyone has information about him please contact me on facebook id love to know more and would love to see a picture of him ive never been able to find one
A message was posted on this website by Lester Mitcham on 27 April 2008 in reply to Julie Beauchamp (Henry James Beauchamp&#039;s granddaughter), as follows: &quot;There is a one line entry in the Titanic Relief Fund Mansion House booklet of March 1913 under &quot;Cases in the London area&quot;. Passenger claim No. 88 which reads &quot;SHARPE, Dependant Mother, payment &pound;35.&quot; If Percival Frederick Sharp&#039;s mother died in 1891, he would not have a dependant mother.
Looking 4 a picture of Percival a cousin on my late fathers side of family curious to what he looked like and also any information cause I&#039;m trying to make my family tree anything helpful thank you very much