Photograph of Titanic's officers

I've seen in several books and online of a photograph purported to be of the Titanic's officers. Here is a link to a copy of said photo.


My problem is that some of the officers simply don't look like the Titanic's men. Smith, Murdoch and Pursor McElroy are recognizable, but I question the rest. For example, the officer standing farthest right is ID'd as 5th officer Lowe in books. Yet, he simply does not look like the Lowe in the photo (standing, farthest to left) taken of the surviving officers afterwards.


Compare the others. Standing in the questionable photo, from left to right, are (supposedly) Pursor McElroy, Lightoller, Pitman, Boxhall, and Lowe. COmpare to the real photo taken of the survivors (Standing: Lowe, Lightoller, Boxhall, seated: Pitman) I don't think they are the same, and I think the other photo was taken at some other time. But, I could be wrong. Any thoughts?
Hallo Brian -

This is one of several photographs of the Olympic's officers circulating that is purported to show the Titanic's officers. I wrote an article a few years back for the Commutator on the real identities of these men. As you note, the resemblence is slight, and allocation names seems often based on vague physical resemblance (e.g., Hume has a moustache, and so is often identified as Pitman).

Standing, back row, in the first photo you link to are left to right:

McElroy, Henry Osbourne Cater (Third Officer), Robert Hume (Second Officer), David William Alexander (Fourth Officer), Harold Holehouse (Sixth Officer)

Front row, seated left to right: Alphonse Martin Tulloch (Fifth Officer), Joseph Evans (Chief Officer), EJ Smith (Master), William McMaster Murdoch (First Officer).

This photo was taken on the maiden voyage before Wilde took over from Evans as Chief Officer. Other photos on later voyages - often in summer whites - will show Wilde on board, and consistently misidentify other officers (e.g. Holehouse as Lowe, Tulloch as Moody).
Hallo Steve -

The officers in the first link Brian posted were serving on board the Olympic at the time. Only McElroy, Smith and Murdoch, who are in the photo, went on to serve aboard the Titanic. The rest are as I identified them in my post.

The officers in the second link are the Titanic's surviving deck officers. They are (standing, left - to - right) Harold Lowe, Charles Lightoller and Joseph Boxhall. Seated in front is Herbert Pitman.

Hope this clears it up for you.

Thank you! I understand now!! I gotta go do english that is do, i still got alot left and its due today!!

Anyone know a good english teacher

steve krienke
The key to a good english paper is how well the student writes. The key to a great english paper is how well the student proof-reads! I would know, I never proof-read anything I write...
Hallo Susan - that's another one in the mis-i.d'd "Titanic" officers, actually Olympic crew.

Top row back is Murdoch, McElroy, Lancaster, Hume
Front: Smith and O'Loughlin

Iv'e finished Hugh's web site, BIG thanks for all your help, All these photos are on the site,
with all the right names (Thanks to you).

Still looking for more photos.

take care

Frankie M
Great to hear that those photos have gone up, Frank - I think you're doing the Titanic world a service by posting them. I also recommend that anyone who has not already done so should check out Frank's site - it's one of the best, most informative personal pages dealing with a crewman or passenger on the web.
Thank you for the glad tidings, Frank. It's certainly good news and a good reason to revisit your site. You've got a grand collection of photos there now for sure.