Jim Kalafus
From the Pritchard Letters:
(Thanks to Mike Poirier for the use)
.....By the way a young lady we both knew took some photographs on board the day before the disaster. I am not quite sure now whether your son was in one group or not, the photos were published in the "Daily Mirror" she told me in a letter I received from her on May 23rd. I have not heard from her since but her address was then Miss Elsie Hardy 115 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Sussex. I am not sure of this but I know three or four fellows were in some of the groups she took....
Yours very truly, Thomas Sumner
and the follow-up:
260 W. 122nd St.
N.Y. City
Dear Mrs. Pritchard
Please pardon my seeming neglect, but when your letter came I was very ill-unable to answer it,& so this is the first opportunity I have had.....
Trusting by this time you have had some news and please accept my sympathy I am
Yours Sincerely
E. Hardy
P.S. The snaps I took were no good, none came out.
All of which is quite interesting. It would be great to track down the May 23rd. letter to Mr. Sumner to see exactly what Miss Hardy said to him regarding the photographs. Since she acknowledged, briefly, that she had saved her camera, he obviously didn't make the whole thing up, but one is left wondering if "didn't come out" meant "totally blank negative" or just "blurred and overexposed" like the still-interesting Father Browne out takes.
(Thanks to Mike Poirier for the use)
.....By the way a young lady we both knew took some photographs on board the day before the disaster. I am not quite sure now whether your son was in one group or not, the photos were published in the "Daily Mirror" she told me in a letter I received from her on May 23rd. I have not heard from her since but her address was then Miss Elsie Hardy 115 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Sussex. I am not sure of this but I know three or four fellows were in some of the groups she took....
Yours very truly, Thomas Sumner
and the follow-up:
260 W. 122nd St.
N.Y. City
Dear Mrs. Pritchard
Please pardon my seeming neglect, but when your letter came I was very ill-unable to answer it,& so this is the first opportunity I have had.....
Trusting by this time you have had some news and please accept my sympathy I am
Yours Sincerely
E. Hardy
P.S. The snaps I took were no good, none came out.
All of which is quite interesting. It would be great to track down the May 23rd. letter to Mr. Sumner to see exactly what Miss Hardy said to him regarding the photographs. Since she acknowledged, briefly, that she had saved her camera, he obviously didn't make the whole thing up, but one is left wondering if "didn't come out" meant "totally blank negative" or just "blurred and overexposed" like the still-interesting Father Browne out takes.