Photographs to Share


Thanks so much for the photos!

When I first looked at the model of the wrecked Titanic, it looked so real, just as she looks today, 2 miles at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. So sad she looks there, I could have cried! I look forward to more...


I was trying to see the White Star sign on one of your pictures but the picture was taken too far away. Oh well. I enjoyed all of your pictures though. Thanks again.

You can minimize the screen and scroll over horizonally too.. As soon as the scanner recovers, I have some nice photos of Walter Lord and Mrs. Sandstrom to post. The crusty old Captain just left for 3 days in Maryland so the mouse can PLAY! AH, single life, they tell me, is blessed....

Yes, the single life is blessed!!! I can sit here for HOURS and do as I please, gawd I love it! No one to hassle me, or beg me to get off. The only thing for me is that I have a six year old that can demand too much attention at times! But this ole gal stays awake late each night to get her Titanic fix! Ah, gotta have that fix!

Hey I look forward to those nice photos of Lord and Sandstrom. I am without any nice photos to share, except for that one of me at the Las Vegas Exhibit on the Discovery/Salvation/Exhibit thread. Randy seemed to have liked that one, and I unfortunately only have one photo to share from that exhibit but I promised more if I go there again.


Am busy building more webpages of course- but do have to run up to the University in my Ford 150(4x8) and haul the chicklette home from college-then there's the 2 jobs- wedding season has begun-ditto Spring cleaning. I actually had more time for Titanic when my kids were little- they went everywhere with me and met the most fascinating people- they are only just now beginning to realize it. The Captain, however, stayed dourly at home eating casseroles! He said he had seen quite enough ships in one lifetime. I have even known divorces among my Boat People friends over this ship. Tis a strange obsession- not all couples survive it when one spouse feels left out- we have sort compromised. Ships for ME- dinner and clean clothes for HIM.
I completely understand what you mean about divorces amongst Boat people couples -- I can imagine what a couple must go through when one of them has a Titanic obsession. And I would understand too, not all couples could survive something like this. Not something I'd want to have for myself. I am SOOOOO fortunate enough to be single at this time. My obsession only overtook me a few months ago, I am single now and loving it. However, if in the future I am ever fortunate enough to meet a special man who wants to be my husband he is going to have to be a Titanic enthusiast as well! I was watching a documentary on A & E in the last couple of days and saw some guy his name was Wyn Wade and as a matter of fact I just picked up his book a few days ago and started reading it. Well he looks pretty handsome to me, wouldn't mind going out with him. Don't know if he's married or not but he would be a good prospect for me anyways. My luck he's probably married.

I got it on that SHIPS for you and clean clothes for him. That's exactly what I would want for myself. That's all I need! I apologize for your husband's not understanding Titanic. Tell him it's better than having a drinking problem. No don't say that, he may say the Titanic obsession is worse than that. I am empathetic for you Shelley, and I am here if you need me.


Ah Shelley! You have blessed me with the new photos!!!! You have just fed my frenzy for photos, my friend! I loved viewing all of them. Thank you so much. Pardon me for sounding SO stupid, but is that man Mr. Lord who wrote those two books on Titanic? If so, you have been very fortunate to have met him.

Thanks again for the photos.

Nice looking family you have.


I have both of his books but have not read them cover to cover yet. I have several books to read but I spend far too much time here on ET to even open any of them.

What is Lord's current position in regards to Titanic? What type of work does he do on a daily basis for instance?

What is IMHO. I've seen it elsewhere but no mention of its definition is forthcoming.

Shelley, your page just keeps getting better and better.

Teri IMHO, means In My Humble Opinion. IMO, means In My Opinion, FWIW means For What It's Worth. Terms like this are a sort of shorthand that has come into use on the 'net over the years.

Michael H. Standart