Hello all, last night watched the video again (as enjoyable as the 1st time seeing it) James Cameron's Titanic ..
WOULD like to ask if anyone knows, maybe one of the survivors,(but they may not since most were just babies.very young)
In the movie (2) things,
#1 DID or DID not one of the life boats return to the sinking site & try to pick up more survivors that may have been in the water??
#, 2 when on one of the research trips to the big T,one this trip, researchers wanted to find out for sure was there a 300 foot gash or just a # of small holes in the front side,(proven a # of small punctures)
QUESTION:;while the research was being done,did anyone find out ""how deep the bow,front section was BURIED in the sea floor
WOULD like to ask if anyone knows, maybe one of the survivors,(but they may not since most were just babies.very young)
In the movie (2) things,
#1 DID or DID not one of the life boats return to the sinking site & try to pick up more survivors that may have been in the water??
#, 2 when on one of the research trips to the big T,one this trip, researchers wanted to find out for sure was there a 300 foot gash or just a # of small holes in the front side,(proven a # of small punctures)
QUESTION:;while the research was being done,did anyone find out ""how deep the bow,front section was BURIED in the sea floor