Arun Vajpey
We have all read repeatedly that QM George Rowe was on "Poop Deck Watch" at the time the Titanic struck the iceberg. But what I have not been able to find out (might have missed it) is whether this meant he could have been anywhere on the poop deck - a fairly large area - or was he required to stand within a designated smaller area called "afterbridge"? Since Rowe had access to a telephone, I have assumed that there was such a spot where the instrument was also located.
As far as I could see, BB's deckplans showed the poop deck but not any demarcated spot where the QM on watch should position himself.
Also, approximately for far aft of the navigating bridge would Rowe's position have been that night?
As far as I could see, BB's deckplans showed the poop deck but not any demarcated spot where the QM on watch should position himself.
Also, approximately for far aft of the navigating bridge would Rowe's position have been that night?