Okay before you get out the rope and lynch me, please hear me out. I've come up with an Idea. Since we would all like to know much much more about the inside of the Titanic, and being as such as the Olypic has long been turned into cheap inport cars, the only viable option we have is the Brittanic. Okay, here goes. The Britannic is is 400 feet of water in greek waters. she lies off the island of Kea. (im can't remember how far right now) She has a hole in her the size of detroit, and is laying on her port side. Okay, now ill deal with the problems. A- as she was converted into a hospital ship, she is now the property of the british Gov. B she's in greek waters and the greeks are bullheaded about everything. If we could somehow get permission from both the English and the Greeks to raise her, we could then begin recovery operations. Before you call it grave robbing you should know that the ship was empty when it went down. the only people killed were killed when thier boats got too close to the propellers, were sucked in and chewed up. so Even though people did die, nobody went down with her so, I dont consider her a gravesite (again dont lynch me right yet) The first problem would be to right her, without the damaged bow falling off. then we would bring her up, clean her up and then explore her. now i Know she has alot of differeces from the big T but still would'nt it be awesome to walk into the engine room and finally be able to see with our own eyes what the big Ts engines looked like? well im done. feel free to rip me apart at your leisure, and if you lynch me please don't use nylon rope as it burns somethin' feirce.