Rental Robots On Titanic

Hi Jim

It's amazing what you can find out about law after you've blown it totally.

Once the money end of this deal went bye bye, there wasn't any reason to keep plugging away at it.

Can't even give this stuff away. I mean that literally. General Dynamic Advance Information Systems got sent the provisional patent as they could afford to take a flier on it and Mark Chancey was working for them as an intern that summer. He did independent research on the same thing. Between what we did and what he did, the optical communications system is all there, just could not afford to pay anymore as my pockets were empty and we'd blown the National Science Foundation grant deadline due to one of our group being a total flake.

If you know of anyone who wants this stuff, let me know and I'll send them what we have. Not possible for us to patent it, so .. out of business, period!

