Ryan McKeefery The wannabe Ken Marschall

Here are a few of my paintings - for many of which I have used photographs as a reference, so if you recognize the view... well, you know.
Have a gander. Leave an opinion, and be as honest as you like.
Anybody want to buy a painting? Bids are welcome, and dimensions are available on request. All will come in a hand-built frame, and I do bespoke scenes if you're willing to pay a few quid more.

Berth 44 has gone I'm afraid, Rocky, but I started a large oil of the same scene last week.
My front door could do with a couple of coats of Dulux, Ryan. I pay at 1912 rates of 7d per hour, of course. Don't sniff at that as in these hard times there are plenty around here who would do it for 6d.

Seriously, you have a way with words and therein lies your best hope for remuneration. Get moving with that novel or Monica and I will come up there and give you a kick start!
Hi Ryan,
Come on! Reasonable rates and whatnot - I need to eat!
The starving artist of lore! I like you paintings! You have a talent so don't give up on it! Sorry I can't buy anything but I have to eat as well. Keep painting! Someday you never know!

Have you ever thought about EBay? I've sold a few things on EBay. Just a thought.
Only if you tell your neighbours you were paying me at the 1928 rate, Bob. I have my pride to think about.

Monica and I will come up there and give you a kick start!

I'm not a 1907 Triumph, Godfrey.
I refuse to believe that anyone is older than Bob "Deuteronomy" Godfrey.

Not that kind of problem Bob - not quite so mental. I just don't like looking at the same view for too long. And I'm the world's greatest procrastinator.
Feel free to join my Facebook group "Ryan McKeefery For World's Greatest Procrastinator" - Don't let the title fool you; this is where I'll eventually start recruiting party members for when I eventually run for Prime Minister.
Politics might well be the career for you, Ryan. You can count on my support if you offer free beer and smokes for the over-60s. That will appeal to the taxpayer as it makes good economic sense - will finish us off that much quicker. (OK, I know there aren't any taxpayers round your way since t' trouble at t' mill.)
Trouble at t'mill is my new favourite saying since my mum got me a flat cap for Christmas!

I was only joking when I asked for it, but I got it so I wear it.