Santini's Titanic Touchstones of a Tragedy

Inger wrote:

> I seem to recall stories circulated more than a >year ago online that
>there was a report of this nature, and had always >wanted to chase up the
>source or see if anyone else had done so.

Hi, Inger!

I think I mentioned Steve's research on Mark Taylor's Titanic Discussion Mailing List some time ago, so that might be where you remember reading about it. I hope Steve's book will cover the subject in as much detail as it deserves; it's rather an involved story, but it deserves to be told.

All my best,

Mr. Behe,
You mentioned that the gunshot wounds may not have been discovered until reaching port and further cosmetic care could be taken with them...
I am wondering, perhaps when the bodies swelled, the wounds may not have been visable. I have heard of gunshot victims thrown into lakes, ocean,whatever sometimes swell so much the gunshot is not readily discernable. Just a thought and I really don't mean to be gruesome!