Shots in the Dark

Don Tweed

In Mr. Lords' "The Night Lives On" he talks about Eugene Dalys and George Rheims letters written to sister and wife concerning shots fired. And along with Steward Edward Browns testimony it seems it was collapsible A that was involved. Both letters mention an officer shooting himself as well as a passenger. I remember Mr. Lord saying in an interview that he thought it might be Chief Officer Wilde who shot himself but that these two letters had shed some new light on the matter.
What I am getting to is this: Who do you all think it might have been?
Was it Wilde? Or Murdoch? Or McElroy? Or even Moody?
Sorry if this has been asked before,there are just so many threads to look through!
Wondering aloud, Don
Gee Whizz, Don

Where angels fear to tread....... I am sure Frank McElroy will respond if no one else does.

Have a look at Frank's website, you'll find it without too much difficulty under the appropriate thread.
'Sno worries, Don - it's not sacred ground, and you're not steerage (not unless you want to be!). You'll find excellent material on Bill's site, and if you do a search here you'll find it has been discussed at some considerable length.