Sinking Animation

What was with the fireworks? It looked like they were celebrating... Or were they signaling for help? If they were, they have a very odd way of signaling for help.
Being equipped with visual distress signals especially at sea may make the difference of life and death even today.Perform a search for Maritime distress signals to check their importance...
It did sink differently, when it broke it tilted to the side and sunk, it was vertical only just BELOW the water.
the rockets are also for distress because by the time the ship was sinking the radio operator's power was running out so the distress was getting weaker, and weaker, and weaker and in the dead of night you can see light particularly well and the radio might not be there to tell them where they EXACTLY are
I have been really interested in Titanic since I was a young child. I am 14 now and still have great interest in the subject. To think that the unsinkable sank. Captain EJ Smith was even a distant relative of mine.
I've loved and been interested in Titanic since I was four years old. This was the first animation I ever saw of the sinking and it gave me such a great understanding as a child of what it was like when the ship sank. Now it makes me so emotional because it brings back so many memories and thoughts about the tragedy we are all so fascinated by.