Sinking Photos There Must Be Some

Hi all,

Some interesting thoughts about Hustak's work.

The passenger-related errors I have encountered thus far in T:TCS have been relatively minor. Beattie, McCaffry and Ross, for example, are incorrectly cited as having boarded the vessel at Southampton, and Lucien Smith is confused with Clinch Smith. In addition, however, there are a few unsubstantiated accounts. Harry Markland Molson, Hustak tells us, was last seen removing his shoes preparatory to jumping into the sea - his intention being to swim to a distant light.

The question begged here is; what contemporary account(s) is the above based on? I've only seen reference to the purported "sighting" in Hustak's book.

"for a guy who spent so much of his life behind a camera, he spent precious little of it in front of one."

Indeed Roy. Harbeck appears, somewhat ironically, to have been camera-shy. I have yet to come across any formal portrait of the man, which seems odd in light of his prominence as a cinematographer.

Best Regards,
Hi, Ben!

I know of only one Harbeck photo portrait and right now it's in the archives of the Toledo Blade, the Ohio newspaper his older son John worked for. It was originally run in the Toledo Sun-Bee on the 25th anniversary of the Titanic and rerun about six years ago in the Blade. I have the specific citation at home.

Harbeck was a striking gentleman, whose appearance belied his 48 years. It's understandable that Beesley mistook him for a younger person.

What really bothers me about Alan's work are the unsubstantiated accounts, as you say. Those, and the manipulation of information that does exist and is verifiable. The Harbeck Alan describes is not, I'm sorry to say, the Harbeck I've been researching.


Hi Roy,

Delighted to hear that Harbeck's appearance didn't pass entirely unrecorded, and that you were able to track down a portrait. Some months ago, I wrote to the Toledo Public Library in the hope that the archivists there might yield a photograph. Alas, none were forthcoming at the time.

Best of luck for your continued research success.

Best Regards,
Thanks, Ben!

I'll e-mail you that Blade citation tomorrow. A local Seattle TV station aired the portrait in 2001 and a Victoria, BC, station contacted me about it a couple weeks ago.

That's great that there's at least one known portrait of Harbeck in existence. Strangely, I always pictured him looking younger. I have a weird tendency of coming up with a pretty accurate idea of what certain passengers looked like before I see their picture. I did the same thing with Milton Long.
Hello Ben,

What please makes you think Southampton is incorrect? While the "Place of Last Abode" for Beattie and McCaffry is given as "Hotel Majestic, Nice" for Ross it is "Savoy Hotel, London". With that evidence I believe they boarded at Southampton.
Also MT 9/920/201 [which is one of the lists of deceased passengers] gives their "Port of Embarkation" as Southampton.

Hope things are well with you.
With my best wishes,
Hi Lester,

Good to hear from you, and many thanks for the Ross detail. I was working from my previous assumption that Sloper's memory had not failed him by 1949, and that he was correct in his assertion that the "Three Musketeers" boarded the ship at Cherbourg (I don't have the exact quotation at hand). Your evidence, of course, calls this into question.

It could be inferred, on the strength of the hotel evidence, that Ross embarked at So'ton whilst his two companions joined the ship at Cherbourg. A possibility - albeit a remote one.

All's well here, thanks, although I have a theatre tour impending which I'm rather concerned will clash with the BTS Convention!

Hope all's well at your end.

Best Regards,
Hello Ben,

Thank you I had forgotten all about the Sloper comment.

While 9/920/201 is not necessarily completely accurate I believe in this instance it is the icing on the initial "Hotel evidence".

I hope your tour will go well and that it will not clash with the Convention.
