It's not without reason that Swain's Lane has been described as one of the creepiest, not to mention steepest, lanes in London. Can't imagine what it must have been like with the media circus that accompanied that obscene 'vampire' hysteria in the 70s.
You've intrigued me with the comment about the border width, Shelley. The cards range from 1864 to the mid-1890s. On the earlier ones it's not exactly uniform , but is around a quarter of an inch. The last one, from the '90s, has the most elaborate border. It's almost half-an-inch, and has thin strips of white within that and tiny white maltese crosses in the corners. The earlier ones make a reference to the day the deceased was interred (either 'this day' or a specific date). The last one refers only to the cemetery where the deceased was interred, not the date.