Hi, My name is Christina DeMohrenschildt. This is my second post. First was in the topic about introducing yourself.
Mr. Standart, Mr. Behe, Mr. Paddon and others, nice to make your acquaintance.
One of the topics I'm pursuing is Christian - related material.
First, do we have any stories of passengers attending religious services during the voyage? Did Mr. Astor visit the chapel?
Second, has anyone seen the following biblical parallel to the lessons of the Titanic? What about the Genesis story of Israelites building the Tower of Babel? They thought their hard labor could match the work of the Son of God, then the Son of God reminded them of their limitations.
Same with Titanic. The Son of God reined in people who were excited about the promise of new technology in the new century. The Son of God created icebergs before He created man and woman.
I'll save other questions until people have given me some feedback on the above.
Happy learning! Cordially, Christina
Mr. Standart, Mr. Behe, Mr. Paddon and others, nice to make your acquaintance.
One of the topics I'm pursuing is Christian - related material.
First, do we have any stories of passengers attending religious services during the voyage? Did Mr. Astor visit the chapel?
Second, has anyone seen the following biblical parallel to the lessons of the Titanic? What about the Genesis story of Israelites building the Tower of Babel? They thought their hard labor could match the work of the Son of God, then the Son of God reminded them of their limitations.
Same with Titanic. The Son of God reined in people who were excited about the promise of new technology in the new century. The Son of God created icebergs before He created man and woman.
I'll save other questions until people have given me some feedback on the above.
Happy learning! Cordially, Christina