Sonar scans

Does anyone remember several years ago when they did that ground penetrating sonar scan and they said that the iceberg damage was only minor. I don't think that was correct. At least not entirely. What if they were right in the first place? What if it really was a 300 ft. gash?
There was no gash, and if you read the inquiries carefully, you'll find that this fact was fairly well understood in 1912. It was Edward Wilding who testified to the damage being *effectively* 12 square feet. The three hundred foot gash thing is not the product of the inquiries, but a product of media and pop history misinterpretation of what they actually said.

As to the sidescan sonar images done by Polaris Imaging, the data itself is valid enough even if the interpretation of same is debatable. They found the 12 square feet that Wilding postulated, but negelected to mention that they found more damage on the port side then they did the starboard.

Befor anyone gets carried away with that, keep in mind that the cause of this damage is not much of a mystery. The bow section hit the bottom plenty hard enough to cause structural damage in addition to the iceberg damage on both sides.
Again that was Steven. I am going to make sure he doesn't do that again Sorry. I, Colin Montgomery have never read these inquires but it sounds facsinating. Anyway I agree that the impact would certainly been enough to cause damage to both sides.
>>Again that was Steven. I am going to make sure he doesn't do that again Sorry<<

Might want to change your password then and make sure he doesn't have any way of figuring out what it is. It's about the only protection you have against this sort of thing. As to the rest, you may want to go to The Titanic Inquiry Project and read Edward Wilding's testimony for yourself so you know what he was thinking and why.
>>Are Polaris Imaging the folks who won't share their data? <<

They are as far as I know. My understanding is that the Discovery Channel has dibs on the images. They even had them on their website for a spell, but took the ones showing the portside damage down.
Michael is correct. David Brown would be the one to ask for detailed information. My understanding is that for sometime they where on the Discovery Channel website but where soon removed. Now no one is able to view them, I have tried and I believe that David has too.

There where some serious questions raised by rivet counters here and in other places that caused a stir, and they where removed.