The cabin of the Cavendish couple

Hi, I am of origin Quebecoise (Quebec), therefore jai much of misery has to translate into English, I would thus require of you to be lenient with me. By consulting the list of the number of cabins, of the stewart, Herbert Cave, i seen that the Cavendish couple, Tyrell William, Julia , and their maid, Nellie Barber, occupied the C-46 cabin .I looked at the plan of the C deck, and i seen that the C-46 cabin was of small formed, and could contain only one person, and not three, as the list of cabin of Herbert Cave shows it!

This you it pourait that Herbert Cave did one or of the errors in his list, because the cost of a cabin of small formed the C-46 (as well as C-44, C-45, C-47, C-48, C-49, C-50, C-51, C-52, C-53, C-54, and C-55) are of £28, and the cople Cavendish paid £78 17s for their cabin.

The Cavendish couple would thus have occupied another cabin! Same Mrs Cavendish it often said that its cabin was with the B deck, and not with the C deck Would have ideas or assumptions on the cabin of the Cavendish couple.

Thank you.

PS: I would like much if you answer me in French, bus me i makes the effort write to you in English! (if you cannot speak French, answer me of English same edge)
Hello EG,

Welcome. Sorry this has to be in English.

1] The maid will not have been in the same room as Mr & Mrs Cavendish. - It is just that there is no room number listed for her. - Mr & Mrs Walter Douglas and maid are listed for C-86, but we know the maid was in an inside room which she shared with Mrs Carter's maid.

2] The 4 single outside staterooms on C-deck [C-40, 42, 44, 46] were priced at 60 pounds. - They could be provided with a sofa berth for a 2nd passenger at 36 pounds for each passenger.

3] The other single rooms you list such as C-45 were inside rooms. Advertised price 39 pounds. - They could be provided with a pullman upper berth at 28 pounds for each passenger.

4] A servant travelled for 15 pounds 10/-

5] The rail fare from London was 10/- or 11/- depending on the fare paid and could be included in what the Cavendishs paid.

5] Please note that very few 1st Class passengers paid the full cost of their rooms.

It may be that once onboard the Cavendishs upgraded to a room on B-deck.

I hope that helps,
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Et bienvenue í  Titanica.
Thank you very much, I am to you very reconaisant, if you have of another information on the cabin of Cavendish, to send them to me, in English, or French

Gracie claims his cabin, C-51, was an outside cabin. In "Triumph & Tragedy", his cabin and the lady w/the Great Dane's, C-49 (A. E. Isham) were inside cabins.

Am I the first to notice this or am I just the latest troublemaker? :~)