The Cells onboard the Lusi

In my copy of Mark D Warren's facsimilie I have scoured the deck plans for the location of the cells that the 3 spies were detained in on the last voyage.

I have not been able to find them. Can anyone help me with this?


Hi Martin,

You can stop looking for the cells -- there aren't any. Cunard typically confined troublesome passengers to their cabins. In extreme cases, they would be locked up in the infectious hospital's isolation ward.

I assume the persistent use of the term "cell" is an embellishment.

Bill Sauder
In David Butler's 'Lusitania', I think I remember reading about three men who were locked up for the duration of the voyage for being suspected spies. It went into some detail about how, why and where they were kept aboard but as the book is 864 pages long, it may take some time to find the passage!


Plus remember the Twilight Zone episode where the time traveler tried to warn the Lusitania's captain of the disaster thay lay ahaead- then the skeptical captain put the man in a cell, or presumably the brig..

(okay, its sci fi, so I suppose that doesnt count)

Tarn Stephanos
Boz wrote: "Maybe not the best source for factual information but the ONLY one so far!"

So what you're saying is that builder's plans, the builder's specification books, and deck plans don't count as sources? If you can show me any hard factual evidence that a cell existed on Lusitania, I'd be interested to know where it is.

I read once in a novel that Captin Smith had a touch of syphillis. Does that mean it's true? I don't think so.

Eric Sauder

Eric, when I said "...the ONLY one so far...", I was talking about the only clue so far on this particular thread. That is to say, if Martin could get a copy of the book, there may be a clue there as to where these men were allegedly held. Yes, there probably wasn't a cabin labelled as "cell" anywhere and I was merely pointing out that cells were talked about in the book - that is all.

And I really couldn't care less if Captain Smith had syphillis or not.

