Jan C. Nielsen
The Last of the Last
The nightmare of near-death became a nightmare of survival for the only Japanese passenger on Titanic.
Thanks for the great article, Margaret. Unfortunately, I don't think you'll find many white guys or women sympathetic to your perspective on Hosono, among this conservative, fundamentalist board membership. The Titanic disaster has traditionally been a white, Christian cataclysm . . . and is usually approached that way. The "Japanese" who was picked up in the water, was derided on by Officer Lowe, and joked about. Racism and religious intolerance was a problem then, and remains one, today. This is something that I'm focusing on with my forthcoming article on Edgar Meyer. Also, who are the heroes in this disaster? Traditionally, it's guys like Captain Smith, who have been the source material for fabrications such as his rescue of a baby, going down with the ship, etc. In his own way, guys like Hosono could be heroes. Edgar Meyer was a hero. This is something I'm trying to focus on with my forthcoming article.
Thanks again for your research, Margaret.