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Hello. It is known that all of the photos of Grand Staircase is of "Olympic". And photos clearly show that two types of cherubs existed: the one from aft staircase holded the lamp in his right hand, another- from grand staircase - in his left. I found a web page www titanic online.com, there it is claimed that at the aft staircase of "Titanic" (the wreck from recovered and said to be from C deck (?)) cherub would be smaller than "the famous larger cousin" and "the one of a pair mounted on the side banisters of the staircase rather than in the center". So is it the third type of cherub? However, the picture from "Olympic's" aft staircase show the cherub at the centre of staircase (and it's not looking smaller at all). The drawing of aft staircase of "Titanic" at B deck reception room near a la Carte Restaurant show the cherub exact as the one from aft staircase of "Olympic" - at the centre with lamp in right hand. So, I find it very confusing to decide, how "Titanic's" cherubs really looked like.
P.S. I used public use images (as it claimed) to illustrate this message.