Sam, what I am saying that he said he saw flare at 2:40. You and Paul Lee and others agree that actually it was at 3:15. But you all failed to realize that Rostron said he saw steamer light at 3:15. Evidently this time is as wrong as 2:40. Otherwise he would have connected the both sightings. You all tried to figure out what steamer he saw at 3:15. The answer is none. He saw the steamer (Californian) at 3:50. He got his time for the steamer sighting as wrong as his time for the rockets sifting. He knew he saw the steamer about 35 minutes after he saw the flare and here where his mistake came from.
So what I am saying there is no more Carpathia's mystery ship.The steamer was Californian and she was sighted at the time she should have been sighted.
Captain Rostron said at the US Inquiry that he - "Ordered company's rockets to be fired at 2:45 a.m. and every quarter of an hour after to reassure Titanic."
Gibson was on the Californian and he was asked what time he witnessed the second batch of rockets.
Q - What was it?
A - About 3.40am the Second Officer whistled down to the Captain again.
Q - Twenty minutes to four?
A - Yes.
Q - Did anything happen after that?
A - Yes.
Q - What?
A - I saw three more rockets, Sir.
Q - How much after?
A - That was about twenty minutes to four.
Q - If it was twenty minutes to four it was not very far off the beginning of dawn, was it?
A - No, dawn was just breaking.
Q - Had it got any lighter?
A - Yes.
Q - Could you see when you saw this flash at all how far away you thought it was?
A - It was right on the horizon.
Q - When you saw these three further lights did you get your glasses on to the place?
A - Yes.
Q - Could you see any sign of a ship?
A - No.
Q - No sign of a masthead light?
A - No.
Q - No sign of a sidelight?
A - No.
Q - Nothing except these flashes?
A - That is all.
It is strange that Rostron was firing rockets at the same time he could see a masthead light and it was still dark. (He also said one of his officers saw her side light as well.) Yet Stone and Gibson did not see any rockets until much later when dawn was breaking. Is it possible that they missed them because Rostron said he only fired the rockets every 15 minutes? Since Gibson and Stone saw the ship disappear at 2.05am they probably saw little reason to continue looking in that direction and they would miss the first batch of rockets that were sent up by the Carpathia.