Hello there!
Swimming in dangerous waters here!
I have made a few assumptions, used enquiry evidence and earlier suggestion and incorporated them into the following:
First, I assumed the masthead light of Titanic was seen by Californian at 2300 hrs at the extreme range of 22miles. I also assumed it was on a bearing of ESE (112.5T). This gave me a DR for Californian at 2300 Titanic time.
My next ingredient was a 0.7 knot current setting S 10 W. I used a speed of 22.3 knots for Titanic.
On a nautical chart, I plotted Titanic at 2300 with Californian bearing 292.5T (WNW) at 22 miles.
I then ran Titanic on a course of 266T for 40 minutes and plotted her DR at 2300. During this time, Californian would drift southward for the same time at 0.7knots. I plotted her new position at 2340.
The resulting situation at 2340 between the two vessels was: Californian bearing 323 T at 12 miles from Titanic - not 315 T (NW)as has been suggested. For Californian to bear NW from Titanic at 2340, she would have to have drifted 2.1 miles to the southward in 40 minutes - a current of 3 knots.
Both stopped vessels would continue to drift under the influence of the current. Titanic stopped drifting and sank at 0220- Californian continued drifting until 0600 hrs on the 15th. when she started south on her rescue attempt.
At that time, using Lord's DR at 0600, she would have 32 miles to steam to the survivor area.
Using the alternative position for 0600 she would have 23 miles to steam to the rescue area.
Additionally at that position, she would have been 6 miles from the CQD, 12 miles from the survivors, 8 miles from Moor's mystery ship and 10 miles from Mount temple. It seems unlikely she was there as all the participating vessels would have been in plain sight for some time before 0600.
I also plotted the suggested positions of not one but two mystery vessels. I used Lord's sighting about 12 miles to the eastward and Groves's 3.5 points abaft the starboard beam - bot observations when the ship'd head was NE T.
Groves said his vessel was heading at about 45 degrees to his ships head showing a red light - it was also getting closer. This suggests a ship on a northerly heading. On the other hand; Lord's sighting is indeed a mystery - particularly when applied to the plot. If he saw it 'just as he was going below' at around 2240 hrs and it was bearing 'easterly' and easterly is interpreted as about ESE and it was seen at the extreme range then we have a problem.
Plotting the interpretation of 'easterly' as ENE at around 2240 Titanic time and using extreme range of 22 miles places Californian about 11 miles x 010T from Titanic when she hit the berg.
I have made a drawing of the situation but don't seem to be able to up load it. First I was advised it had been uploaded OK then when I tried ti view it it said it was too big. Then I then went to the oversize facility and it gave me an upload facility I could not get to work...Help! (it is in jpg format)