The Titanic movie you haven't seen

Meh, I liked "Tietanic" better, to be honest. And I'm pretty sure that none of the T's lifeboats were made by Incom.

(Why yes, I'm an SW fangeek, is it that obvious?)
They must have been really bored to make this movie!

Rebel lifeboats?! LOL!!

Best regards,

Monty Python's Flying Circus did a Titanic parody.
It began with a movie still with the ship down by the head and a loudspeaker blaring "Women And Children First"
Cut to the bridge, two are getting into dresses, one is in an English schoolboy's uniform, and Eric Idle comes out dressed as a red indian saying "We're all out of dresses" where the captain announces over the PA-
"We have a revised list- Women, Children, and red indians first!"
It's been years since I saw it-everyone needs a bit on silliness!
I've seen the Monty Python one, in the context Titanic is masquerading as "Mother Goose" and had her bottom chewed off by Chairman Mao-fish. The crew has to keep revising as they run short of clothing, "Women, children, red indians, and 14th century Florentine merchants with little bobbly things on their hats first..."
"That's not Florentine, that's Flemish! Florentines had rosettes in contrasting colors, not little bobbly things!"
"Okay, Okay! Women, children, red indians and 14th cent--"
"Excuse me, but didn't 15th century Florentines have the little bobbly things?"
"Yes, but by then.." You get the idea.
Rebel lifeboats? **Laughs**

I laughed hysterically over that video. I'm a Star Wars lover and a Titanic lover. This may or may not a good combination as I'm so easily amused at times. ;)