The victims

In reguards to those who went down with the ship you often hear about *and see* pictures of the paired shoes on the bottem where a body may have once laid. My question is this. I know the pressure that deep would definatly cause the lungs and other organs to implode, but would the body have survived in some mangled shape to be laying there where those shoes were? In my mind I'm thinking that *at the risk of sounding graphic* it would just become a mangled mess...
>I have no idea about the answer to ur question but I think it might work >the same way as titanic's forward half. Because it was under the water and >had no air in it the pressure didn’t affect it as with the stern well that >is a mangled mess because of the amount of air it had when it hit the >seabed. So my bet is that the body was either trapped in the ship and came >out when she went under the surface or the body drowned while in the water >because it didn’t have a life belt. from REECE EWINGTON 17 M MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA
Amanda and Reece,Hello

Look under Salvage,Exploration, Exhibits, there is a thread there called, Bodies on the seabed.
May answer all your questions!!!
Hope this helps! -Don
Hey, thanks Don! I didn't see that one. It's something I've always pondered because something just doesn't seem right..of course that could be the tilt in my brain;)
Actuallay I did read that thread last night and that's what prompted this question. I'm just trying to asertain if the body laying there was like a body i think of or a mass of twisted flesh or pulp. Sorry again if that's graphic. I'm just trying to describe what i am thinking...
I was looking through the list of 3rd class passengers and i came across something I found to be very sad and disturbing. It was the Andersson family. It consisted of a mother and father, 4 daughters, ages 11, 9, 6, and 2, and a son, age 4. The entire family perished during the sinking and their bodies were never recovered. I know that there is probably no information on how they died, but do u have any theories as to why the whole family died? They could have easily gotten seats on a life boat (except for the father). Thanks for your help
Rachel, I don't think you're going to find anything in the way of useful theories about how this one particular family met their demise...beyond the obvious fact that they booked passage on the wrong ship. They may have been lost somewhere down below, they may not have recognized the danger for what it was until too late, it may have been just plain bad luck and timing.
I think if the body was at the ocean floor it must have been with the ship on the way down. If the person was in the ship they no doubt drowned. Eventually the cavities in the body would have become completly filled with fluid and caused an equalizing of pressure. So if that was the case the body probably came to a rest on the floor as intact. No doubt it would be distorted, (facial features, etc)but I think it would indeed be in one piece. It's kind of like how after you start hearing it enough you believe it. Like a lot of people think that if your run over by a car you will become flat. Thats silly. I have seen actual dead bodies (in photographs mind you) exposed to various things like that and the body will have some cuts or bruises but not like the cartoonish picture people often believe.