Hi Jamie,

It's only natural to have been excited. If I had been more thorough I'd have noticed that same caption and gotten excited myself, as that book is one of my favorites as far as lay-out and design.

So don't feel bad. It's nothing anyone should fault you for. As for the book's editors, well...

Best wishes,

Your theory as to what became of more Titanic grand staircase photos is likely correct. Also that's quite a horror story about the use of the civil war negatives!


Interesting about those credit lines. I hadn't noticed that. From what I have noticed the London News Agency and the Fleet Agency took many photos at that time but these fell more in the area of event and society coverage rather than transportation.

But since Olympic and Titanic sort of crossed the line into society and event news I'm surprised I haven't seen those companies cited with more pictures of the ships.

Hi everyone, I have a pretty stupid question, and it's never been really answered for me. Okay here it goes: One of the most famous views of the grand staircase is the view of the whole thing, where you can see the clock, and the cherub, and the stairs, and tad bit of the dome. Its the photo that titanic enthusiasts like ourselves always associate the GS with. Now if one notices, the cherub in this photo is the color Black, showing that it was a dark shiny brown had the picture been color. This is the forward GS, and u can clearly see Honour and Glory carved around the clock. This is the Forward GS to my knowlege. Now my question is this: Another photo shows the aft GS, yet this one shows the cherub facing the opposite direction, and it looks GIGANTIC (no pun intented). Also, the color of the cherub looks the same as the color of the wooden railings, which would make one think that it was made of wood and therefore the same color as the wood. Why is it in the FGS the cherub is a dark black color, and in the AGS it looks so big and not black? This may be a stupid question, so sorry. I've included a link. Its of the FGS. Thanks.

Also, I've included another link to a photo of the cherub they recovered. DOES THAT LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THE ONE IN THE AGS? It looks way too fat, and it's arms are short and stubby.
Your second photo's link didn't work, but the recovered cherub could easily be different from the GS photo you linked. Since that is the Olympics grand staircase. Could you post the other GS photo you talked about, please?
Since no photos survive of the Titanic's Grand Staircase which have ever been made public, I can only speculate, but it occurs to me that the cherubs carved for the Titanic may have been somewhat different from her sister. Not everything on these two ships was identical.