Third Class Dining Quotes

I've never heard of any though in general, the food was known to be quite good there was plenty of it, and it was served at tables with waiters to tend to the passengers. Most immigrants traveling on the Titanic ate better on board then they did at any point in their lives.
Most immigrants traveling on the Titanic ate better on board then they did at any point in their lives.
Interesting comment. I have often wondered how the Third Class passengers on board the Titanic felt about the food they were being served. Circumstances (saving money, disruption due to the coal strike etc) might have persuaded some passengers to travel Third Class whereas in other cirumstances they might have preferred Second Class. The Goodwin family might have been in that category.

Many immigrants, especially farmers, labourers and general 'working people', probably found the food on board the Titanic both plentiful and of good quality. But there might have been a few others who felt that they were roughing it a bit.
I suspect some of the immigrants would have been bewildered by the very English menu, especially those from middle-eastern lands.
My guess is that they would have found it rather bland and tasteless but filling. (Times change of course, but I am reflecting my own first impressions of British food when I moved from India to to UK in the mid-1980s)