Titanic A question of murder

Dear Serena,

Titanic A Question of Murder was a British Documentary made around 1982.

The presenter - who incidentally was also responsible for the first Ballard documentary "Titanic: The Nightmare and the Dream" - interviewed survivors (Eva Hart, Frank Prentice, Ruth Becker, Edwina Troutt, and others) as well as certain experts and looks closely at the British Inquiry, particularly the evidence of Alexander Carlisle focusing on his suggestion to White Star / H&W that a greater number of
lifeboats be fitted.

The programme does look a bit dated now but overall it is a very nicely put together piece of investigative journalism.

I remember being affected by the little Irish children at the school in the village from which Thomas Andrews came- they being so visibly tearful while recounting his loss and the great loss of lives-excellent graphics and visuals on this early programme and some really THOUGHT-provoking questions on the matter of who was responsible for cutting down the number of lifeboats so severely and why.
Hi All!

I also recall being affected by the Irish children that were talking about Thomas Andrews' death and the loss of so many lives. I agree with Shelley, it did have excellent graphics and visuals.

Lowering the number of lifeboats and who was the cause of that was very interesting. It certainly got me thinking.

Best regards,

Jason D. Tiller