Titanic Adventure Out of Time

One thing that bugged me about the game was during the sinking.
When you are out on the boat deck, the ship is slanting down,clearly sinking. But when you go inside anywhere, its straight!! confusing. I always thought our character Carlson must be a bit tipsy during this part!!!
And yes, i agree, its strange that if you do hang around onboard until the final moments, you dont see what happens to everyone.
Daisy Cartwright - a victim of her own snobbery dies on the boat deck, alongside:
Officer Morrow
Max Sideman
Reverend Trout

Lord Charles Lambeth dies in the Smoking room alongside the cardsharp Riviera.
Vlad, sometimes escapes but often not and dies with Sasha in the boiler rooms. depending on how your game playing is.

Claris Limehouse dies in the recently opened lounge.

That leaves us with the strange disappearance of Smethells the steward and Eric Burns.

Oh...and the posh Gorse-Jones's leave in a lifeboat....damnation!
I was curious about this game...I had never played it but I saw it at the Salt Lake Exhibit. They were selling it for 30 bucks...I thought it was a ripoff given the games age...but it sounds like you all really liked it so maybe I'll give it a chance...just don't tell my wife...

Hi Scott!

This Game is pretty interesting. Part of it is an interactive tour of the ship. Not every room is accessable, but you can really learn your way around the ship very well. Which you will need to do before playing the Game.

The Game portion has you role playing as a secret agent who finds himself back on the Titanic and must solve clues to prevent history from changing and still get off of the Ship.

Once you get familiar with the deck plan, be sure to pick a rainy weekend to play it. Once started, your wife will hardly be able to get you away from the computer. I sure know I was almost in the doghouse over a long marathon playing it! So, send her out to visit her mother, unplug the phone and order a take out pizza then enjoy!

David Smith
Hey guys...
New question on the game! If Reverend Edgar Troutt is so vehemently opposed to social mixing and is traveling second class...why do you sometimes encounter him on the Aft Grand Stairs?

Also...you will notice Stephanie Burns on the boat deck during the evacuation segments but Eric just disappears. There's lots of little quirks in this game. I recently played it again for the first time in years...forgot how much fun it is!
I played the Titanic game once through, they did do a good job of replicating the ship but I wish they had included everything. Really with today's computers I bet they could make a 3D Titanic that one can explore virtually. The problem would of course be marketing it, especially so long after the Titanic craze. In only 6 more years though it will be the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking, I wonder what kind of memorial services will be planned.

If anybody has ever seen or played "Call of Duty" for the PC, they've made an excellent "level" that is actually aboard the Tirpitz, the sister ship to the Bismarck. The detail and quality of the ship is pretty accurate. My feeling is that making a game aboard the Titanic would be really fun...perhaps better than the original "adventure out of time" game.
I found Adventure Out of Time to be a great game, however if a sequel or a remake is released hopefully they will correct all of the interior mistakes, like having all of the First Class staterooms be decorated in Old Dutch for example, or the Lounge being a mustard yellow color.

Best Regards,

Hi Brian!

I too was thinking the lounge was odd in color. While I understand why they can't show every stateroom, they could have allowed more access around the ship. I'll bet just in the few years it's been since it was released that the technology has improved and more could be done.

They don't even let you on the A-Deck promenade do they?
Hi David,

Yes, I agree the Lounge, which was paneled in oak, was colored yellow with white trim for some reason. At least the furniture and carpet were a shade of green, close to original.

And yes, during the pre-iceberg hours you can walk A Deck Prom, if you play the game in the right order you will run into Pringle somewhere on the Boat Deck who tells you about Zeitel and Barbicon at the end of the Boat Deck, and you have to go to the end of A Deck Prom to overhear thier conversation.

However, after the iceberg not only can you not walk the Prom, you cannot exit the Grand Staircase onto it and for some reason A Deck is completely dark.

I think after the iceberg you should be allowed into the First and Second Class Dining Saloons, the Reading & Writing Room and Second Class Lounge and Smoke Room among others, since most public areas were open during the sinking of the real ship, why not in the game?

Best Regards,

Unfortunately those rooms weren't available because the software designers lacked the space to create more rooms for viewing. It'd be interesting how much more we'd be able to see if the game had been designed today since so much more is possible now.

I still play the game all the way through now and then and it still has a lot to offer visually. And that eerie music score that kicks in during the sinking sequence always manages to put a chill through me that I find myself feeling the sense of fear of what it would be like to be on the lower decks or in the Engine Room during the sinking as we have to find ourselves.

The real negative is that saving Georgia or letting her die is of no consequence in terms of the final solution. We never do find out if Carlson got the girl when succeeding in his mission.
Hi Eric,

I realize the limitations of the day prevented more of the ship being available, it would be nice if some enterprising people would make patches that would allow you to enter the previously unavailable areas of the ship.

As for the musical score, I dislike the the regular music as you walk around - The Grand Waltz I think its called and the D Deck music is rather chilling I think.

However during the final sinking scene, I like that midi tune that I guess is supposed to represent Nearer My God To Thee as it bears no resemblance to Autumn.

Best Regards,

Actually in the final sinking scene I distinctly recognized that faux brass number as "Autumn" (the hymn not "Song D'Automne").

The music in the pre-sinking scenes can be tiresome after awhile if you're taking your time to explore a bit, but overall it's not a bad job IMO. I also love the suspenseful music that builds up as you try to disarm the bomb in Zeitel's cabin.
I'm dying to get the music to this! I want to put it in a movie of mine.

Does anyone else here really want to see them make a new version of this game with modern graphics and gameplay? Like where you are able to witness rooms flooding and stuff.
If the errors could be fixed, the graphics updated and unlocking the rooms that are locked, so that you can explore the ship more, then yes I would definitely want to see a new version of it released.