Titanic An Interactive Exploration

I searched and couldn't find this mentioned anywhere else, if I missed it then I apologize. Titanic: An Interactive Exploration was essentially an interactive documentary released for Phillip's illfated CDI platform. It was actually quite thorough dealing with everything from the basic story of the Titanic disaster right down to biographies of central figures involved. It was advertised in an old issue of the Titanic Commutator. Anyone heard of it?

http://covers.cdcovers.cc/show.php?name=Titanic_An_Interactive_Exploration-front&section=Cdi&id=967b89e014e1f15baec04709322faf25&check=bf2b1f759813987 72123a62b88b8ffea
I couldn't get that link to work, and initially thought you were posting about the Europress CD (T:an Interactive Journey) but then realised it was something quite different. I googled to jog the old memory, and it's the one with Patrick Stewart narrating. I'm sure there used to be a website all about it too, but that seems to have gone offline. That's one CD I didn't get and from a couple of the reviews I've just read, it seems that's a shame.
Sorry about the link. In any event, I must be one of the few people in the world with a working CDI and a copy of the Titanic disk. It was a very well done documentary and Patrick Stewart's narration certainly added a great deal to its value. It contained media I have yet to see anywhere else such as archival footage of the Olympic being towed to the scrap yards and a fairly recent, outlandish plan to raise the bow section of the Titanic. I can't recall the exact specifics of this plan but I know it involved using two oil tankers as a base for a large pulley system. Its a shame the CDI failed so miserably, it was home to one of the best Titanic documentaries. Oh well, c'est la vie.

No worries, Matthew - any problems with that link are likely to be related to the idiosyncracies of my new browser. There's certainly a fair bit of information on Titanic: an Interactive Exploration elsewhere on the web.

Most importantly, I appreciate the information on the CDI and its contents. Thanks.