Titanic Beauty Pageant

Shelley, I wouldn't let the "old fart" get away with that one!
I will have my revenge- clever daughter returns from college today so my scanner will be humming- I have a few curious shots of the Old Bearded Gander to post...she who laughs last.....

Geoff's only being a silly-willy. He knows that you are lovely and thus nowhere near duckly and that you and your white hat and frock are divine! I think you need to post here the link to your Somewhere in Time page with that great shot of you before the Elise McKenna portrait - that should prove to any Doubting Geoffs, if there really are any, just what an ideal specimen of dainty beauty you are.

Much love,


PS) If you had been on Titanic (and aren't you glad you weren't?)you'd get my vote over any Countess!
Hi Shell,

Found your request and I've scooted over to the Titanic Beauty Pageant.

Bertha Noon was Bertha Mulvihill (3rd class passenger) - rather than take up space in this thread, I would suggest everybody click on Bertha's biography here on the ET. There's some good data there on her.

Shell, I honestly don't know who Mary Griffith is - wasn't she an actress or the wife of the silent film director David Wark Griffith?
The grave picture beside the Noon photo is of the James Webber grave in South Africa. James Webber, a third-class passenger, died in the sinking and that photograph is his memorial (his body was never found.)

Joining in rather late, I would like to add that many of the Irish girls should rank in the competition. Maggie Murphy, her sister Kate, Katie Gilnagh and Nellie O'Dwyer were very attractive - all of them were quickly married following their rescue. I wonder why?

First-class passenger Helen Newsom was another beauty - no wonder Karl Behr was chasing her all over the globe. Let's not forget about Helen Candee, Florence Cumings, and Genevieve Cassebeer - all quite beautiful.

Above all, my favorite has always been Margaret Hays. Even in later life, Margaret was stunning. After her husband's death in 1934, many suitors came calling but she never obliged. Daughter Peggy Starbuck was the mirror of her mother - warm and lovely.

Mike Findlay
Geoff and Randy,

Thankyou for the information. Apologies for the delay in replying.

Geoff - ratbag in the extreme! (not you, the postcard dealer
) Any idea what happened to the other photographs?

Randy - Interesting. I had always imagined Mme. Aubert as very dark brunette...Cameron's influence no doubt!

Mike and Kritina - I can't say I've seen pics of Milton Long, Genevive Cassenbeer or Mr. and Mrs. Cumings either (hangs head in shame!). If they are included in "Triumph and Tragedy" that should explain a few things. I'll have to remedy this soon by buying it!

Shell, If you intend posting any photographs of Yours Truly, remember that we have strict censorship laws in this country! My passport photo was almost seized by MI5 as they thought I was an alien (I took comfort in thinking they meant foreigner - but it was not to be!)Don't forget, my left profile is the better side 'tho Alma says I always look better behind a wall!
An update to the Dorothy Gibson nomination. There's a beautiful picture of her on page 107 of the Geoff Tibballs (Reader's Digest) book, "The Titanic."

Ben: I don't have any evidence of a fourth in the bridge game with her and Sloper and Seward. I was just speaking as a former bridge player. Although there is a three people version, usually you don't play unless there are four people.

Randy: Some great nominations. We all expected the Lady Duff-Gordon vote, but Anna Turja was a pleasant surprise. My buddy John Rudolph will no doubt thank you. http://www.webcom.com/jrudolph/turja.html

Daniel: Totally agree with you about Violet Jessop in her nursing outfit. There's something about a woman in a uniform!!

Shelley: Not being a survivor, you can't be officially nominated yourself, but you sure strike a pose with that white hat. My favorite, though, is "Shelley at Noon." I'd also like to nominate you as official photograph supplier of the Ms. Titanic Pageant.

Marion Wright deserves a nomination, but the only picture I can find is her wedding day picture on page 102 of the Geller book. There's a better version of that same photo somewhere, but it escapes me right now, and I need to post this before the power goes out again here in Califor........
Mike: I guess it makes them better in a nurse's uniform ...
where does that "hellooooooooo nurse" quote come from?

In Sloper's 1949 account, he mentions himself, Mrs. and Miss Gibson and Seward all playing bridge in the lounge. This makes four of them.

Ben: Long, Cassenbeer or Cumings are not in the Cassebeer book. Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen a picture of Cumings.

While Mike and others are hear, does anyone know whether Molly had actually gone to California. In a newspaper interview, it says her son was living there and she might have gone there to visit him, or he was going to come visit her. Anyone know whether she ever went to California?

Hi Daniel & Mike,

Thanks for clearing that up. I'm afraid I don't know the first thing about Bridge - no one has ever taught me how to play :-( Perhaps Pauline Gibson retired earlier than the others?

re photos. My passenger information/photos come from ET, books, gravesites etc and the generosity of passenger descendants. I was just wondering if I had missed anything major besides the Eaton & Haas book. I believe one of the THS back issues features an article on Milton Long inc pics.

I've only just arrived to this thread, but why hasn't anyone nominated Mrs. Candee? She was no doubt quite a beauty. Are there any 1912ish photos of her? Can't find any on ET.

To date, here is a quick tally of the nominees in Mike's "Titanic Beauty Pageant." I may have missed some, so perhaps someone else can double-check.

I also leave Tracy's "Titanic's Handsomest Guy" contest nominees to one of our ET ladies to tally up.

Here goes:

Miss Margaret Hays - 4 nominations
Noelle, Countess of Rothes - 4

Mrs. Helen Churchill Candee - 3

Miss Dagmar Bryhl - 2
Lucy, Lady Duff Gordon - 2
Miss Violet Jessop - 2
Miss Katherine Gilnaugh - 2
Miss Eileen McNamee - 2
Mrs. Cassebeer - 2
Miss Stella Sage - 2
Miss Marion wright - 2
Miss Anna Turja - 2

Miss Dorothy Gibson - 1
Miss Marjorie Newell - 1
Madame Leontine Abart - 1
Madame Berthe de Villiers - 1
Mrs. Eleanor Hughes - 1
Mrs. Ruth Dodge - 1
Senora Penasco - 1
Miss Maioni - 1
Mrs. Virginia Clark - 1
Mrs. Mary Marvin - 1
Miss Maggie Murphy- 1
Miss Katherine Murphy - 1
Mrs. Nellie O'Dwyer - 1
Mrs. Hoyt - 1
Mrs. Helen Bishop - 1
Mrs. Celiney Yasbeck - 1
Mrs. Juliette Laroche - 1
Miss Elizabeth Nye - 1
Miss Helen Newsom - 1
Mrs. Florence Cummings - 1
Miss Jean Hippach - 1

Mike will have to decide when the voting stops. Looks to me like it may well be a tie, eh?
