Titanic Colorized Photos

Just for fun. I have always wanted to know what these pictures would have looked like, if they would have had colour back in the early 1900's. This is the result!


Very nice job - these are beautiful. My favorite ones are the ones of the deck! The last one of the grand staircase is very nice too. Thanks for sharing them!
Thanks! I am currently working on the first class lounge. It takes some time, though! (the GS took about 6 hours to complete)
I'm doing the colouring with my knowlege of the designs, but please, feel free to point finger and correct me if I've made any colouring mistakes!
Here it is.
I pretty much guessed the colour of the chairs and the carpet, but various sources says that the furniture in the lounge were green. Feel free to comment!

Hi Johan. They look great! I particularly like the one of the Lounge. I have built a model(real not virtual) of the lounge in the gold and green as shown in your photo and it is nice to see a colourized version of the real thing
Hi Damon! Yes I've seen your model. Stunning to say the least! Where did you get the colour scheme for the furniture?

And also, are you currently working on any other Titanic interior models?

Best regards,
Johan Jonsson
Some of these are fab, Johan, though some aspects look quite "cheesy" to put it bluntly. For example, the Mahogany in the lounge isn't quite rich enough, but I'm sure you'll become more adept at colourising photos over time.

Either way, it's still better than what I could do.
Hi Ryan.
Thank's for the input! The mahogny cabinet was a bit hard to colour, due to the darkness of the photo itself:-S
And for the "Titanic at sea" photo, I know it looks like a colourized photo from 1912. Water and sky is the hardest thing to render, with no doubt!:D
But, anyway, thanks!
Johan, in answer to your question above, I studied all the photos I could, of the furniture in the Lounge, and then drew coloured drawings of them by hand,scanned them into the computer, cut and pasted them, duplicated them and then printed them off. Unfortunately our old computer died earlier this year and I lost the file, or I would have posted an image of the template on here.