Titanic cross stitch

This is very exciting! From what I have seen of the pattern so far, it is a bit of a challenge but one I am up for! Especially with the possible results! Well worth it!

Anyone know of any other Titanic related X-stitch patterns?
Well I can generate any pattern I have a good enough image for. I was going to do one of the grandstair. I first wanted to find out how good this program was. But, I've got about 3 gig of Titanic images, including some really neat ads they produced back then. But this one is not going to get done overnight either

For beginning stitchers like myself who might require a kit with detailed instructions and precut thread--I located a cross stitch kit titled The Night to Remember. I'm located in midwestern US and found it at Michael's chain of craft stores. This one is 16" x 12" and depicts Titanic at night steaming towards the iceberg. The manufacturer is Dimensions, 641 McKnight Street, Reading, PA 19601-2499.

I know that just to complete this project will be quite a challenge, as I am not very good with crafts, but my fantasy is to finish it, frame it and figure out how to place fiber optic lighting into it. Well, I had better get off the computer and go grab my needle and get busy!
Hello, Kathy! I've decided to bite. Got the thread, got the Aida cloth, and am busy getting the whole thing organized.

I've never done counted cross stitch, but have had a lot of experience with all sorts of needlework, so am confident that I can actually work the thing. The main challenge is organizing it all. With a palette of sixty colors, and a lot of changes to contend with, it's going to live or die according to how it's set up at the beginning.

Being a tightwad, I got some plastic plates and Zip-Loc bags, and created thread holders with each color numbered-- one bag for each hundred classification (700's in one, etc.) Cut the skeins into working lengths of thread, and tied them into holes punched in the plates.

I plan to start at the middle of the piece, and make a horizontal stripe two squares high all the way across to establish the pattern. Did a bit of the first square yesterday. Will keep you posted.

Pat W.
Working from the center is the right way to go- after years of counted cross-stitching, I can tell you the fabric does stretch from handling and being in the hoop, so starting in the center will result in a straighter piece when finished and ready to block. If you are using a cream or white Aida, working over a black cloth helps enormously to show up the squares, if using some of the new dyed dark shades, a white "lap cloth" helps. Putting masking tape around the perimeter, front and back will keep your edges from ravelling too- I carry my work around in an old pillow case to keep it all clean, floss in plastic baggies. Have done a great many Titanic-themed pieces over the years, using graph paper to chart the designs- sady, have given all of them away to the Boat People so no photos! My favorite was a pin cushion with the ship and White Star Burgee- went to Debbie Reynolds on her 64th birthday with a 1912 hatpin in it. she was touring in the "Unsinkable Molly Brown". Also did one with the text of the first verse of Eternal Father Strong to Save and the ship, and one of an iceberg on pale blue Aida with the famous joke "I asked for ice- but THIS is ridiculous!" on it. And a few others which were -in questionable taste!
Hi folks , Pat was kind enough to send me a private email and point out I've made a major screwup. That image is Olympic. (Kathy bows head in shame and cringe in corner.) When I was searching for an image to make the pattern I was more concerned with a clear image with good colour. The caption had said Titanic, and I should have known better as it's one of my pet peeves when people take an image of Olympic and say it's Titanic. And then I go and do it. All I can say is that I'm truly sorry and I feel really bad (not to mention embarrassed.) Feel free to rant and call names. I'm still going to do the pattern, and as Pat suggested, maybe enclose that forward promenad.
I will now exit and continue berating myself personally.
Hi Kathy,
This may not be the spot to post this, but since I'm already here...lol I wanted to tell you how absolutly stunning your wood burning is! I recalled you had made a heart for Shelly's Valentine trip to see Mr. Lord. I just saw the one you have up for sale and it is, truly, a work of art! So glad to hear you have recovered nicely!
Have a great day!

Thanks much, I'm working on one of the grandstair now (woodburning that is.) I've been wanting to do that for awhile and it's a lot of fun. Maybe I should do a cross stitch pattern for that too, heck, at least I couldn't get it confused with Olympics, as I "think" they are the same!
Oh Kathy...

Wouldn't that be grand? I don't do cross stitch, but can imagine seeing that pattern completed. Is there one out there? Maybe you would post a pic of your grand staircase when your done? :o) The woodburning, I mean!

If there is interest, I can generate a cross stitch patter of any image I have Titanic related. I've got the Cameron 3CD set, so that's where I got a lot of boatdeck, grandstair, bridge, etc colour images. When I went to generate this one above, I seriously thought of either the boatdeck or grandstair. In the end I chose this one because I liked the colour scheme. But, I'm just nuts enough to play with two at once
Moving right along, despite copious snickers from a fellow Titanicophile cross stitcher who thinks I'm nuts to try The center squares are actually some of the hardest in the pattern-- about a gazillion colors in a small space-- two stitches in one, one stitch in another. So far, I'm not sure exactly where on the ship I am, except that it's somewhere on A-deck abaft the fourth funnel.

Good work generating a pattern like this, Kathy. If it ever gets done, it's going to be beautiful, which does help me keep going.

Pat W
I've got part of the dummy funnel done (it looks really great) and some sky and around the counter part of the stern. The colours look true, but maybe I used too many. I have noticed that there are some really tricky parts. I work on it most when I go to Virginia several times a year. Then I can afford to just sit around and play with it

Yea, I've had plenty of snickers too when people realize just how big this thing is. But, I'm betting it's going to be worth it, if not, I'm going into hiding for at least a year!
Hi, Kathy!

I'm working forward from the stern, and going right along B-deck (Rows 8 and 9), to see how the enclosed promenade is done, with the idea of making the Olympic-to-Titanic conversion visually, as if I were painting it.

I don't think it uses too many colors. Yes, it does take longer to work, but the richness of the look is worth the trouble.

Just got PC Stitch, and am looking at an image of the Oceanic....

Pat W