Hello, Kathy! I've decided to bite. Got the thread, got the Aida cloth, and am busy getting the whole thing organized.
I've never done counted cross stitch, but have had a lot of experience with all sorts of needlework, so am confident that I can actually work the thing. The main challenge is organizing it all. With a palette of sixty colors, and a lot of changes to contend with, it's going to live or die according to how it's set up at the beginning.
Being a tightwad, I got some plastic plates and Zip-Loc bags, and created thread holders with each color numbered-- one bag for each hundred classification (700's in one, etc.) Cut the skeins into working lengths of thread, and tied them into holes punched in the plates.
I plan to start at the middle of the piece, and make a horizontal stripe two squares high all the way across to establish the pattern. Did a bit of the first square yesterday. Will keep you posted.
Pat W.