Titanic graves in Los Angeles Part 2

Hi George. (You don't cut anyone slack, do you???) Well, if truth be known, we originally planned to take you, but you were restricted to your room for putting super glue on Cook's piano keys, and Geoff was taking a long winters nap.

Yes, it was a very fun and educational day. The memories and stories brought these wonderful people off the page of history, and gave me a flavor of who they really were. Especially Edwina Mckenzie. I had always wondered if the happy, smiling face I saw on the video I have was her common personality, and sure enough it was... (and then some!)
What a day!!!
I wish we had a videotape of Don's Lynch's remembrances of Winnie Mackenzie (nee Troutt) at her gravesite. We spent a full half hour there, and every now and then one of us would ask a question that would prompt Don to give us a detailed story of her life and all the good times he spent with her. It was even hard for him to believe that she has now been gone for 18 years. She died on December 4, 1984, but for the rest of us, she came alive, thanks to Don's memories, in our visit on December 1, 2002.

For more information on Edwina, get a copy of the Spring 1984 Titanic Commutator (Vol. 8, No. 1), and look for the 15 page article entitled "Edwina MacKenzie: The First 100 Years" by Don Lynch.
The L.A. Titanic Grave Tour is becoming a regular highlight! I think it's great. Before long the gang will have to start charging admission! Thanks for including us all in your day by posting the pictures and sharing your thoughts.
Rumor has it that an "L.A. Titanic home tour" would be a fun adventure. If Eric looks out the window of his house at his car, I am already sitting inside! (psst... Eric, look at the fancy yellow sports car on the far right next to the SUV... Getting a little cold out here... Would you bring me some coffee?)
And my bicycle is parked right behind your sports car Colleen - would love to do the cemetery tour with you all but my problem is not so much getting into the cemeteries - but getting out again!

The rest of the group was polite enough not to tell on me, but, have no fear, we have our ways for getting things back out.

BTW, you are in for a real treat when your BTS-ITHS group has its Don Lynch tour next year. He's not only a walking Titanic Passenger Encyclopedia, ala Phil Gowan, but he knows about all the Hollywood Stars and Southern California celebrities as well. (He also had some very telling remarks about Behe, but that's another story.)