Titanic Lost Ship Lost Souls

Just wondering if anyone saw the Discovery Channel's show on the Titanic last night (8/28/02) at 11ET? I enjoyed it greatly. It was narrated by Charles Haas and gave a good historical as well as technical report on the ship. Just wondering if anyone else saw it, and what they thought?
My copy of Titanic Lost Ship Lost SOul was deleted do you know where I could buy a copy. My grandkids watch every week and are going to be so sad.
My copy of this program was erased. My grand kids are going to be so sad they watch it at least once a week. Does anyone know where I could get a copy.
Please help this TN. Mamaw out of the doghouse
Someone sent me the information to contact someone who had a copy of this however I never made contact. WOuld you mind to send me the information again. Please