I'm sorry about the DVD's they sent out. I, and the rest of the guys on more then one occasion, asked them to send out hard copies to all of the main Titanic groups. I explained why and so on. They didn't get it - or just didn't want to expend the money on a book that they were not sure how well it would sell. The shipping alone is a burden and I can see their point in a way. Well it sold good and they have already ordered a second printing (not an official second edition). I sent the THS a hard copy of both volumes out of my own pocket, but it was personalized to the Kamuda's.
See - the publisher offers me an author's discount, and it is a good discount, but it is based on the RRP (regular Retail Price), and also on British Pounds. So that means I get to pay full RRP after the exchange rate is accounted for. The US distributor will allow me to purchase the volumes for a discount also, but not as good as the publisher in USD. Again, I have to pay for shipping, and guess what? I would save money by buying the volumes from Amazon. So I don't get any breaks.
Stewart Kelly has a few photo credits in the books, and so do many other people, but I literally can't afford to send out a complimentary copy to each of these guys. I tried my hardest to explain the situation to the publisher, and they sent me a number of sets, but I'll be getting a bill at the end of the year and I can't imagine how much that is going to be.
Thanks for all of the kind words - to all of you!!!!