Titanic Untold National Geographic Doco on DVD

Was looking on Amazon.com for Titanic documentaries and found the "Titanic Untold" documentary that was on National Geographic last month is being released on DVD on February 15th.

I thought this would be released with the "Return to Titanic" special that was shown in June last year as a sort of double-feature.

Here's the link for the DVD and cover art- Titanic Untold
The information at amazon says it will be 15 minutes longer than what was shown on TV. I don't think any other special features were mentioned. I havent seen it yet, and am looking forward to it.
Fellow ET'ers,
I am writing as the Co-Producer of the show TITANIC REVEALED. There are two new features on the DVD that I am quite proud of: a 12-minute underwater tour of the wreck-site with all new footage (no interviews, just ship and debris field) narrated by Dr. Ballard, and a 5-category photo gallery of about 80 pictures that were taken above-decks or by the two ROVs on the expedition with us. ENJOY!

We are still debating how to best present the Live from the Titanic show that we made last June.

Glenn Reimer/Partisan Pictures
I thought Return to Titanic was ok. Though, the only problem I saw with it as most who saw it did was repeats of the forecastle.

Glenn as you may have seen here, the disappointment with the new shows was repeating old news on Ballard's finding of the wreck. Everyone was expecting new footage of the wreck and comparisons of the wreck now to what it was when discovered. I, for example, wished to see new images of the wreck.
Hi Mark et al,
For the first show that was broadcast live back in June 04, the focus presented to us by National Geographic (our client) was the expedition itself as we knew that we were simultaneously capturing footage for the second show which would eventually focus on some of the results of the expedition. So you saw a lot of our host moving about our host NOAA ship, a lot of the ROVs, a little bit of recapping history of the ship and her re-discovery, and the vagaries of a scientific venture (e.g. cranky ROVs) combined with an ongoing TV production. Keep in mind, we were still at sea over the wreck when that show was broadcast so we had to cull from footage that we had very little time to review (had to use only the first three dives)and I am thrilled with what we showed that night.

For the next show which was eventually titled Titanic Revealed, we focused on what the layman may not know about the Titanic Community: the collecting, the auctions, the gatherings/conventions, the salvage vs. preservation argument and how her enduring legacy is as powerful as ever. As a liner collector myself and a burgeoning member of the Community, I was very vocal to my peers about what we needed to show to the die-hard experts and rivet counters. But filmmaking can be a very frustrating avocation as we need to balance the needs of us, the story-tellers, and the clients who better know their audience.

Knowing exactly that what you noted in your letter was equally frustrating to those individuals such as yourself and Ken (HI KEN!) we planned all along to create a couple of extras for the DVD. The audience for this format is much higher than the original broadcast as the NatGeoChannel is still growing and not yet in a large percentage of American households. I remember a wonderful response from Ken when I asked him what he would like to see and I shared that info with the team, and it helped guide my selection. I hope that if you buy the DVD, you will find the gallery of images that were personally chosen by me to be a nice addition to those you may have seen on TV or in Dr. Ballard's book from the expd.

Had there been more time on the DVD, I would have added many many more as there are a great deal from over 100 hours of dive time. There is also a video tour of the wreck with no interviews, no sunsets, no power problems, no camera problems, just the ship and the debris field. We tried to choose all new segments from the dives that were not shown in either show. I hope they can begin to satisfy the desire to see her in all her ROV-lit glory.

I was expecting to see alot more of the wreckage. Particularly the recent collapse of the stern section's upper decks. Ken said in his report the superstructure collapsed down. As seen in his paintings, the B-deck windows on the port side are crushed by the decks above falling down. Now all that's seen are the flattened decks then the C-deck portholes below that. I was also hoping to see the new stern section photomosaic Ballard mentions in the book. Even the website doesn't have the stern mosaic.

Are there plans to display the stern mosaic to the public?
Please help me clarify the Titanic Untold/Revealed mystery. I am thinking that they are the same thing. When I did an initial search for "Revealed", I found "Untold" and assumed it was another installation in the series. Then I found Revealed and ordered it online. Since then, I found that all the references to "Untold" were actually "Revealed" upon closer inspection, including the link to Amazon in the above post that started this thread (which is now listed as revealed on Amazon). So is there a video release of Titanic Untold that is different from Titanic Revealed?
Mark - I have sent a letter to my contact at IFE to ascertain what plans they may have for releasing the stern mosaic to the public. I have not yet seen it either.

Andrew - UNTOLD is REVEALED. Shows often have a working title during production and post-production, in this case UNTOLD. REVEALED is the proper name of the show as it aired and is being sold for home viewing.
Thanks Glenn, and even now after Parks said he actually saw the stern mosaic and the aft end of the bow not shown in the magazine or book, I am even more excited to see what the current wreck looks like. Especially for when I'm now building a wreck model of the wreck as it looked in 2004

Why didn't NG show both mosaics when they had the chance to with the December issue or Ballard's book? Even the site has the same bow mosaic shown in the magazine. You can see Parks' mention of what he saw in the Discovery/Exploration thread about Cameron's new expedition this summer.
The stern is greatly collapsed but still ethereally beautiful. You can see a bit more in the DVD bonus than we showed on TV. I wish it were more.

Mosaics - I don't know. My educated guess is that there were time constraints for the book and the mag (i.e. publishing deadlines) after we returned from the expd.
How much more of the stern? 12 minutes for me isn't enough. I wish it were 3 hours of bonus footage of just the wreck, I'm speaking of a 2 disc DVD
The website has some footage, but mostly of the bow.
Sorry, Mark I honestly don't remember. I haven't seen the feature-ette since early December but the master is on its way back to me this week. Will look at again for you when I get it. I wish it were many more hours too - every moment we were underwater was magic to me.

Which website are you referring to above?