TitanicBookSite being archived

Hello everyone,

Just a notice that I have decided to archive my website. I no longer have the time or energy to devote to the effort it needs. It will remain up as it is; but I won't be updating it any longer.

My apologies to many of you who have sent me queries in the past few months, most of which I have not been able to answer.

Obviously, I have been a lurker here as well for quite a while. Even though I don't post, I do keep up with the Books forum.

Take care, my friends, Michael
I'm sorry to hear that you no longer have the time needed to work on your website, but I'm glad to hear that you're going to keep it up. As a resource for information on Titanic books, it's of enormous value.

Don't be a stranger, Mike. You've been missed.

As I've mentioned before, your Titanic Book site is a wonder, and one that I've referred to quite often. Thanks for all of your work through the years, and a public thank you for keeping the site up, although inactive. I really appreciate it.
TMIB, your site was and will continue to remain a great resource as it is. Hope that you'll remain in touch, and that the "real world" is treating you well.

All the best -

There are Titanic websites which are bad (and many of them!). There are others which are good. And a few which are 'essentials'. That's where TitanicBookSite has always been in my estimation. Thank you, Michael, for a job well done, and best wishes for the future.

I wanted to join in thanking you so much for your great contribution to Titanic research. Your web site has been invaluable to me and many others and will sorely be missed (has any thought been given to bringing it into the encyclopedia titanica?).

The best of luck to you in the future!


Agree with everything said above. An extraordinary site, one of the best anywhere, on any subject.

Thanks, Man in Black.

Couldn't say it better myself! I hope all is well with you and yours, and may our paths cross again in the future!

All the best,

I'll just second what everyone else has said, Michael. Your site has been and will forever be an extremely valuable resource to the Titanic community; you've left an indomitable mark on it. I have referenced it countless times and I'm sure I will continue to do so.

Thank you for all your hard work and time that you spent compiling all that wonderful information. Please don't be a stranger here and hopefully our paths will cross one of these days.

Best wishes my friend,

Michael, you have done a great service in aiding Titanic bibliofiles build their collections.
The information on your Titanic book website is priceless..I'm very proud jpegs of the covers of some of my boks are on your site....My hat is off to you good sir.....The one Titanic book, that needs to be written in printed paper form, is "The Titanic book-book- the definative guide on Titanic book Collecting".
Such is a title Michael is best suited to pen....
>>I hope that at some point I will be able to make the site active again.<<

Mike, keep an eye on 2012. If there's going to be a blizzard of new books and reprints or Special Editions of old ones, the smart money is that this is when it's going to happen. (And some of them might even be accurate!)
I came across your site about three months ago and I have been back to it too many times to count. Your critiques are a wonderful resource for anyone interested in Titanic books. I hope that you will be able to continue it again. Best regards and thank you again for the great site.