Titanic's Charming Men

Are we talking only in terms of physical attractiveness, or personality attractiveness? I have to say my eternal favorite in both departments is the inimitable James Moody. Not only was he easy on the eyes (understatement for the ages), but he had a keen, slightly skewed sense of humor, and he was just an all-round nice person.

There are others who also make the grade in physical terms...Jack Phillips (wooha!!!!!, to put it mildly)...Harold Bride...William Murdoch (I swear, he could totally rock a mustache)...oh, there are others, but this could wind up turning long and overly gushy. So I'll end it here. ;)
And putting aside youth as well as the purely romantic connotations of 'charm', by all accounts the 60-plus ship's surgeon William O'Loughlin could charm the birds off the trees. His friend Edward Titus, who was medical director for the White Star Line, said of him:

He was undoubtedly the finest man I have ever known. Always ready to answer a call for aid at all hours of the day and night, he would go into steerage to attend an ill mother or child, and they would receive as much consideration from him as the wealthiest and mightiest on board, truly honoring his oath as a physician. He was one of the best read men I ever met. Dr. O'Loughlin was always doing some charitable act. Of his income, I believe it will be found that he left little having distributed most of it to the poor. There is no doubt he died as he wished. Once, recently, I said to him that as he was getting on in years, he ought to make a will and leave directions for his burial, as he had no kith or kin. He replied that the only way he wanted to be buried was to be placed in a sack and buried at sea.

Stewardess Violet Jessop was another who drew attention to the wit, charm and generosity of this man whose cabin was adorned with "silver framed photographs of some of the most beautiful and talented women of both hemispheres". She was rather puzzled by the fact that the "good old Irish doctor with a twnkle in his eye" had remained a bachelor all his life despite being "so charming, so kind and so gay". 1912 usage of language there, of course!
Well, Bob, of course I would never suspect you of wishing to promote the attractions of the more mature man ....
1912 language nothwithstanding, Violet may have been more right than she ever would have realized in those days. But he does sound to have been a great man of both humanity and humility, though I note that the brave fellow only said he wanted to be buried at sea - not die in it. Personally, I quite fancy Mr. Wilde.
Tracy, I see what you see in Jack Thayer.
i fancy a whole load of them LOL.

Mr. Allison, Officers Wilde, Murdoch, Lightoller, LOwe and Moody. both of the marconi operators. fred fleet, Thomson Beattie, J.J Astor, Thomas Andrews, Jack Thayer..........i'll be greedy and have all of them, i can see beauty in all of them :p
James Moody was certainly charming - beyond youth and good looks, even. He inherited the warmth, wit and liveliness of both his parents. Harold Lowe had what I think is commonly termed a 'rakish charm' ;) Lightoller was known for a rather charismatic appeal - I've seen it noted both before and after the disaster by those who met him (I'll have to look it up, but I think one of his colleagues might even have referred to him as a very 'charming and able' man...need to check the wording).

One passenger I think had personal charm in abundance - and wasn't a bad looking chap - was Edward Pomery Colley. Granted the Irish are in general the most charming race on earth when they want to be, Colley seems to have been a great specimen of the type. His letters written around the time the ship sailed are gorgeous - his description of the most significant people on board never fails to make me smile, and his correspondence on Affaires de Coeur is whimsically endearing.

I think Bob's call on O'Loughlin is a good one - his friend McElroy would be another one who could smoothe over many a stormy passenger's breast, and I think young Jack Simpson had a way about him as well.
In order (from the ones I like most) the five men I like are Harold Lowe (I love his looks and attitude '-P), Jack Phillips (I like his looks, but I don't know that much about his attitude), Harold Bride (good-looks and a shy attitude, I think he's cute because of the attitude), Frederick Fleet (he looks okay and he appears to be quite nice) and Thomas Andrews (I think that Irish people are nice - I especially love their accents - and Thomas Andrews seems nice from what I know).


PS. My English teacher says I use the word 'nice' too often and, looking at what I've just written, I think she's right, but I couldn't think of any other word '-)
as for any of the officers, i'd say Charles Lightoller, since he was pretty handsome (but way too old for me), but as for passengers i'd say J.J. Astor (sadly, yet again way older than me) or Jack Thayer, since he was good looking, judging from pictures i saw on ET, and luckily, he's pretty close to my age (4-year difference)