Titanic's First Class Band

I just came across something that i thought might be a good topic for conversation.
Whilst reading a sunday newspaper Britain's News Of The World, i came across a page that was entitled TRUE OR FALSE, it was written by a lady reporter who was giving answers to popular myths.
One of which started: The Titanic's first class band played on heroicly (sorry about spelling) as the great liner went down.
She then goes on to apparently dismiss this myth and writes: FALSE, after the collision, the band threw down their instruments and ran!
Ofcourse noone actually knows what happened to the band,but this seems a rather bleak statement.I wonder who her sources were? Or maybe its just her opinion.
After this article, she wrote about the myths of Bigfoot,Etc etc.
Hi, Hugo!

I'm afraid the lady reporter didn't give a very full account of the band's behavior. The bandsmen did indeed put their instruments down (apparently so that they could go and retrieve their lifebelts), but the musicians seem to have resumed playing their music again shortly thereafter.

For a fuller discussion of the band and its music, you might like to drop by my website. The main page is at:


The website's table of contents contains an entry for a page called "The Music of the Titanic's Band."

Hope you'll find it helpful.

All my best,

"after the collision, the band threw down their instruments and ran!" Maybe they spotted a bright light and suddenly a time traveler stepped through the time warp onto the deck claiming, "I'm Ismay, I'm Ismay."

Sorry. Couldn't be helped.
If that happened, Colleen, it appears that Ismay then stepped back inside the time warp after leaving a note at the entrance that said, "Please don't knock." :-)