Titanic's Unknown Child by Carol Goodwin Goroff

I'm wondering if anyone has, or knows where to find, a copy of an obscure book called "Titanic's Unknown Child" written by Carol Goodwin Goroff, a relative of the Goodwin family aboard the Titanic. I've been interested in the family since my early days posting here as a teenager and have found some news articles from around the time of the Unknown Child's identification stating that Carol Goodwin/Goroff was planning on publishing one or two books about her family's experiences. I've looked around but all I've managed to find is one reference on Google Books and this old e-bay listing, which has a few photos of the book. It was published by Newcastle Lane Publishers in Whitewater, Wisconsin, which no longer seems to exist (or, at least, I could find nothing about it online).

Now I'm not expecting anything grandiose from this book - I can tell it's a short work with probably a very limited number of copies out there - but I've always wanted to know more about the Goodwins, and hearing from someone who was descended from an actual member of their family would be incredible. Does anyone have a copy they'd be willing to lend or sell, or know where I could find one? I know that Carol herself has a profile on this site, but it doesn't look like she's posted anything since about 2007. I'm not even sure if she's still alive.

Any help would be appreciated! :)
I do have a copy of the book since 2017 (from Carol Goodwin herself), but unfortunately I have no idea where it can be purchased today. Sorry for not being able to help!

Can't help on the book but there was a 2020 documentary on the subject you can find here (it can be downloaded if you have the right software).

Thanks for this - I'm quite familiar with the story of the Unknown Child, but it's always good to refresh myself. I remember being elated when he was identified as belonging to my favourite Titanic family, but at the same time feeling bad for the Panula descendants who had believed the baby was Eino. Interestingly, my sister got to go see the Maritime Museum in Halifax last year, and took a photo of the little shoes for me. I would love to be able to go out and see the grave myself one day.
I do have a copy of the book since 2017 (from Carol Goodwin herself), but unfortunately I have no idea where it can be purchased today. Sorry for not being able to help!

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Oh, wow! May I ask, does it contain any info on the Goodwins (the children especially) beyond what's common public knowledge? Anything about their lives before the Titanic, what they may have done on board, any stories that were passed on through the family? Any photos of them other than the family photo + picture of Sidney widely-available online? I would be super grateful to know any of this, if you've got time. :)
Holly, I'm not sure about any super rare photos of them, but the book does contain quite a comprehensive family biography. Although it is not a strict academic volume. Included as a bonus is a music CD :cool:

I remember there is a contact email of Newcastle Lane Publishers on the reverse of the title page; it is - or was - a private publishing house run by Carol and her husband. Unfortunately, I have no idea if it still exists...
I'm wondering if anyone has, or knows where to find, a copy of an obscure book called "Titanic's Unknown Child" written by Carol Goodwin Goroff, a relative of the Goodwin family aboard the Titanic. I've been interested in the family since my early days posting here as a teenager and have found some news articles from around the time of the Unknown Child's identification stating that Carol Goodwin/Goroff was planning on publishing one or two books about her family's experiences. I've looked around but all I've managed to find is one reference on Google Books and this old e-bay listing, which has a few photos of the book. It was published by Newcastle Lane Publishers in Whitewater, Wisconsin, which no longer seems to exist (or, at least, I could find nothing about it online).

Now I'm not expecting anything grandiose from this book - I can tell it's a short work with probably a very limited number of copies out there - but I've always wanted to know more about the Goodwins, and hearing from someone who was descended from an actual member of their family would be incredible. Does anyone have a copy they'd be willing to lend or sell, or know where I could find one? I know that Carol herself has a profile on this site, but it doesn't look like she's posted anything since about 2007. I'm not even sure if she's still alive.

Any help would be appreciated! :)
Hello: My Google AI ("Gemini") states:
Titanic's Unknown Child: A Work in Progress
As of now, "Titanic's Unknown Child" by Carol Goodwin Goroff has not been officially published.

The book is currently in the writing stages, with the author aiming for a publication date in the winter of 2024.​
Good luck.
Rick Hahn
Goodwin relative here! My family's pretty heavy in genealogy (there's actually a couple Goodwin books out there...I believe they're all out of print). I have a lot of information about direct line and a bit less information about the Titanic Goodwins (they're cousins of some level...I can't remember). There's a relative in New Zealand who has all of the information.
I'm wondering if anyone has, or knows where to find, a copy of an obscure book called "Titanic's Unknown Child" written by Carol Goodwin Goroff, a relative of the Goodwin family aboard the Titanic. I've been interested in the family since my early days posting here as a teenager and have found some news articles from around the time of the Unknown Child's identification stating that Carol Goodwin/Goroff was planning on publishing one or two books about her family's experiences. I've looked around but all I've managed to find is one reference on Google Books and this old e-bay listing, which has a few photos of the book. It was published by Newcastle Lane Publishers in Whitewater, Wisconsin, which no longer seems to exist (or, at least, I could find nothing about it online).

Now I'm not expecting anything grandiose from this book - I can tell it's a short work with probably a very limited number of copies out there - but I've always wanted to know more about the Goodwins, and hearing from someone who was descended from an actual member of their family would be incredible. Does anyone have a copy they'd be willing to lend or sell, or know where I could find one? I know that Carol herself has a profile on this site, but it doesn't look like she's posted anything since about 2007. I'm not even sure if she's still alive.
In any case, eBay and AbeBooks can be useful platforms for finding such publications. Maybe someone will decide to sell this book, the main thing is to follow the ads. I myself was chasing a book about the Titanic for a long time, I needed it for work in college. In the end, I did not find it and used term papers writing services at https://edubirdie.com/term-papers-writing-services and that's it. I would buy it now, but I still have not seen this book anywhere. It feels like it does not exist.

Any help would be appreciated! :)
Hard case. You should check specialized sites for collectors or used book stores, especially those that sell historical literature or rare editions. This is the only option.