Totally tasteless calender

Looking through a shop today, I came across a tasteless calender; 'The Joys of Smoking'. The front shows the stern of Titanic going down, and sitting atop it are four men sitting in chairs from the three classes casually smoking with huge grins on their faces. I feel it is a mockery of Titanic and the people that went down with her. Who here agrees that this calender is just tasteless...
I'll go with Dave on this one. It's not worth getting my knickers in a wad over. The people who market stuff like this are frequently after the contents of my wallet. While I don't have a problem with this in and of itself, I deal with offensive mechendise by not buying the product.
I concur with Dave and Michael. No point in getting my nose out of joint. I do the same thing as Michael does, if there's an item I don't like I won't spend my money on it.

Best regards,

Given the incidence of serious health problems associated with smoking I think the whole premise of the calendar is potentially more 'offensive' than the individual images.
Otherwise, the Titanic image can be seen as a reference to both Benjamin Guggenheim and the young stewards Lawrence Beesley saw smoking on deck. It's interesting to wonder if it was a deliberate, researched reference or just a happy coincidence... Er, maybe it's not that interesting, actually.
Here in California, where we have some of the toughest rules against smoking, the image comes across as the "odd man out" scenario, for people who choose to smoke.

Personally, I found it tasteless, too.
The Titanic image "caught my eye", but I found the rest of it to be stupid.
And I'm one who lost two aunts (the only sisters of both my mom and dad) to lung cancer, so I'm the first person to want to say "Put out that ____ cigarette"). Needless to say, it was one calendar I refused to spend any money on (and I bought at least 12 calendars this year, for friends and family, as well as for myself).

John Clifford
It is impossible for the Titanic to escape being used in any way, shape or form for a profit.
From calendars to slides and beyond.
Even its use as an adjetive for disaster.
It has been ninety some years and the masses do not see her as we do.
I am not at all offended when people use her name in a way I myself find disrespectful.
I myself collect political cartoons of her.
Being a man of little means,"go ahead you can say it,a poor guy", they enable me to collect Titanic.
By the way, I received a Kittens calendar from my 6 year old for Christmas and it hangs in the Titanic room, that's what my wife calls it anyway!
Best reguards, Don

Going off the above stated opinions, I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it...but that also doesn't mean that I wouldn't think it was tasteless. I personally wouldn't buy the calendar, or any like it. I'd take the first glance, see that it disgusted me (and would probably ponder on it a moment, especially given that it advertised smoking), and inevitably walk away.

But, as always, that's just me.

