I thought I would post this picture of Titanic heading for trials.
This is the full picture as usually it is trimmed to show just the ship and not the surrounding tugs etc:

(Edited to remove oversize image not conforming to ET image posting guidelines. Please contact the forum moderator if further explanation is required. FN)
That's a great full-length starboard view of the ship. Thanks for posting it!

While I'm posting to you, Greg, I've been wondering where you came across that colorized image of B-54. It was posted on another thread (which seems to have disappeared). I've never saw that image before; it was spectacular!


Oh, sorry Greg. It was on a thread just days ago which seems to have been deleted. Someone had posted about eight Titanic-related images and one of them was a beautiful colorized B-54.

I'm sure you would've enjoyed it Daniel! I think it was in this forum but like I said it is nowhere to be found. I think the poster may have been Mikael Jonsson. Perhaps we can get whoever it was to re-post that image; I want to save it!


I remember the Thread, the top image was a pic of above the Titanic/Olympic's bridge with men working on it - either daniel or mickael commented they had never seen it.
There were loads of images posted with it
The colour photograph was actucally Cameron's set of B-54, the photograph is seen in "James Cameron's Titanic" making of the movie book.


Yeah Nigel you are correct, the pic would have to be from Camerons because the only picture of a cabin of either grand suite is b-51 though both private promenades were photographed