Mike Spooner
Yes you right to say Hendrickson heard it started in Belfast? But that needs to be investigated if H&W have handed over a brand new ship to White Star with a coal bunker on fire! Would you be please if some one has handed over a brand new Rolls Royce with a fault?
But there again if White Star had accepted the fault as they more concern of sailing the ship on her maiden date 10th April at all cost!
I see some of Edward Wilding answers in the inquiry he is rather layback of any damage to the bulkhead of coal bunker fire. But I would expect him to say that in his own interest to protect the company of any fault with the ship.
This is were I drift of the topic but feel it all tied with in it.
I am back again the seamen did not get a proper hearing by not having a top line Barrister to represent them. Lord Mersey would of hand full having to deal with a smart intelligent Barrister. I feel very sorry for those poor seamen who lost lives and just regarded as exposable for the sake of a Corporation.
The way the UK inquiry conductor at such short notice after the loss of Titanic. Was quite frankly heartless ruthless brutal affair. Some of those poor seaman who survived a very traumatic experience in the freezing cold water. Then find been cross-examine by smart intelligent Barristers who have never experience of been through into freezing cold water. The inquiry is about saving a major British shipping company from huge law suite file against them and B.O.T. failure of moving with the times on safety issues.
Quite frankly the root of the problem lies with Mr JP Morgan on his very wild ambitious plan in his attempt to dominate the North Atlantic shipping route. Paid too much for the shipping companies and underestimated Cunard not joining IMMC. Morgan such a successful remarkable career in the banking world, was just when one step to far and too old for the job.
Yes I do recognise the Olympic & Titanic were magnificent ships but that competition to better Cunard and the Germans are not far behind too. Olympic and Titanic were a high risk business.
I am sorry to go on about those poor seamen who landed up been sacrifice for the sake of a Corporation!
But there again if White Star had accepted the fault as they more concern of sailing the ship on her maiden date 10th April at all cost!
I see some of Edward Wilding answers in the inquiry he is rather layback of any damage to the bulkhead of coal bunker fire. But I would expect him to say that in his own interest to protect the company of any fault with the ship.
This is were I drift of the topic but feel it all tied with in it.
I am back again the seamen did not get a proper hearing by not having a top line Barrister to represent them. Lord Mersey would of hand full having to deal with a smart intelligent Barrister. I feel very sorry for those poor seamen who lost lives and just regarded as exposable for the sake of a Corporation.
The way the UK inquiry conductor at such short notice after the loss of Titanic. Was quite frankly heartless ruthless brutal affair. Some of those poor seaman who survived a very traumatic experience in the freezing cold water. Then find been cross-examine by smart intelligent Barristers who have never experience of been through into freezing cold water. The inquiry is about saving a major British shipping company from huge law suite file against them and B.O.T. failure of moving with the times on safety issues.
Quite frankly the root of the problem lies with Mr JP Morgan on his very wild ambitious plan in his attempt to dominate the North Atlantic shipping route. Paid too much for the shipping companies and underestimated Cunard not joining IMMC. Morgan such a successful remarkable career in the banking world, was just when one step to far and too old for the job.
Yes I do recognise the Olympic & Titanic were magnificent ships but that competition to better Cunard and the Germans are not far behind too. Olympic and Titanic were a high risk business.
I am sorry to go on about those poor seamen who landed up been sacrifice for the sake of a Corporation!