Were there any cases of Bribery in the Titanic Story?

My point is that we should be careful how we slander anyone, dead or alive, relative or not, without giving all of the available evidence due consideration.

A gut feeling taking quite a massive leap to join dots that quite frankly aren't there is no way to conduct research.

One of things that always stands out is that even in later life, (to the best of my knowledge), not one person came out and said "I lied to the inquiry" "I was paid to keep silent" "On my death bed I need to confess" "The truth of the matter is..." Not a single person. Given that virtually every surviving member of the Titanic crew who appeared before both the US and UK inquiry has been accused of everything from falsehoods to outright lies, you would have thought that at least 1 of them would have confessed all before shuffling off to meet his maker?

As for fear of the men in top hats, a number of the surviving crew are actually on record as being quite rude to the board members of the inquiry. They show very little sign of being intimidated by their surroundings.

I don't hold with this maritime based version of McCarthyism where there are conspiracies under every bed.

The principle of Occam's Razor is one well worth applying.

I would agree with most of your points. But when you say. Given that virtually every surviving member of the Titanic crew who appeared before both the US and UK inquiry? That is the real issue not every crew member was asked to give evident and only two first class passengers for the UK inquiry. One of them one who never paid for his fair Mr B Ismay! His interested and only interested is to protect the company interest of any wrong doings! The true was certainly not the best interested for the company!
Much the same for the other crew members too. We know officers Boxhall and Lightroller did not quite tell the same story in the two inquires. But there again they would of work it out if the Titanic is lost, that's one less ship in the fleet. Were is the next my next job to come from? It is there best interest not to criticise the company in any shape or form, even knowing the company may be at fault!