Were there enough bathrooms on Titanic

Thanks for the recommendations Michael. I'll add those titles to my library, but my concern is that the plans or documents presented in book form might not be large enough, or might have important details obscured by the book binding in the center. Do the plans in these books come out of the book?
If you really want to spend some money, the Titanic Historical Society sells some large scale plans that are very detailed. Their item 10I99 for $180.00 is 1/100th scale. They also have posters that are fairly good size (22" wide") for $10.

My favorite drawings are the ones that came inserted in the back pocket of Geoffrey Marcus' book "Maiden Voyage." Keep you eyes open for this one on eBay and you should be able to pick up a copy for $20-30. But make sure the description states that the fold-out drawings are included.
G'Day Yuri, The plans are printed on the inside covers of Titanic, Triumph and Tragedy so don't try to yank them out unless you want to rip the covers off. The plans in Titanic, The Official Story are foldout sheets which go along with the copies of the other documents in the box. These days, I keep a magnifying glass handy to make out the writing in places but only because my 40 going on 41 year old eyes aren't what they used to be even 10 years ago.

Mike, Now you've done it! I'm going to have to check out what's offered on the THS website. My Visa card is crying for mercy again!

Michael H. Standart
In response to this entire thread, and particularly Maureens' comments: True, even the first class didn't bathe as much as we do nowadays. Many people, even the rich, contented themselves with a sponge bath once or even twice a day, and saved the big production number for Saturday night (to be ready for church on Sunday) or before a big social event.
Look at the photos of the period - both men and women had a certain shine to their hair, and that's not brilliantine! That's not washing your hair for two-three days at a time. Personally, if I do that, I look like a 50's greaser real quick!
So the average person on board would have contented themselves with a full bath perhaps twice or maybe thrice in the whole journey.
Dear Robert,
Thanks for your comments. I am one of these hopeless, I must wash my hair everyday freaks or I too would be volunteered for the next oil drill site in North America.

