What is your favorite line from the 1997 Titanic movie?

I don't know why, but I like when the man in the Lifeboat (Boxhall, I think) says, "Bloody Pull Faster and PULL!" oh, and I like Murdoch's line after seeing A-Deck awash, "Gets those Davits cranked in. Get the falls hooked up!". You really get the sense they're getting desperate
If I had to pick just one line, then probably when Lightoller and Captain Smith are on the bridge talking about how unusually flat the ocean is, Lightoller points out "it will make the bergs harder to see, with no breaking water at the base." You can almost see the gears turning in Captain Smith's head that he should consider slowing the ship down, but the thought doesn't quite form before he heads off to his cabin after ordering Lightoller to maintain speed and heading.

There's also a funny dubbed version of the movie I found many years ago on Youtube, and one of the best lines is when Cal finds the note Rose left for him in the safe and they read it as "you are a stinky poo poo head".
There are tons of great lines from Titanic. I also don't know why, but when Murdoch yells, "Lower away, left and right together!" really means something to me. I guess its like seeing the lifeboats being lowered from the 1912!
I haven't seen this movie since 2012 so I forget exactly where he says it. But at one point the character of Jack says "This is bad". I've used that or some variation of it long before the movie. But I've always remembered it being in the movie. Short and direct to the point. I probably over use it but it does pop out of my mouth often.
It's when he's chained up to the pipe, and seconds before he notices the water coming in. "This is bad" pretty much describes his life after the iceberg
I can think of two places when he says that. Shortly after hitting the iceberg him and Rose are climbing up from the well deck when the pass Captain Smith and others going to inspect the damage, he says "this is bad". The second point I can think of is what Cam Houseman mentioned, when Jack is handcuffed to that pipe around when water begins seeping into that room.
I can think of two places when he says that. Shortly after hitting the iceberg him and Rose are climbing up from the well deck when the pass Captain Smith and others going to inspect the damage, he says "this is bad". The second point I can think of is what Cam Houseman mentioned, when Jack is handcuffed to that pipe around when water begins seeping into that room.
Yes I think thats the quote I'm refering to. I guess I need to watch it again someday soon. I wouldn't even need to pop in my DVD as it seems to be on satellite at least once a week now.
Getting worse and worse. I'm thinking of canceling satellite. We have like 40 channels now on the antenna..all digital save for one. HD quality over the air now. Plus we just got a new channel... Star Trek all night , everynight. I've been watching it a lot lately. Plus on my Roku the Titanic channel. But they haven't updated that for awhile now.
My family has a firestick. If you don't have it GET IT!!!!
On a Firestick, you have a prime thing, where you can watch free stuff.

There's two seasons worth of Titanic channel on Prime there :)