I believe he's got you there, Tracy.
[Stanley Lord, British Inquiry]:
7370. Did you remain asleep until 4. 30? - Until 4. 30.
7371. Then did you go on the bridge? - I went on the bridge.
7372. And I think you afterwards heard of the sinking of the "Titanic"? - Yes.
The Commissioner: We have had all this, you know.
7373. (Mr. Dunlop.) I am coming now, my Lord, to the questions I want to put. (To the Witness.) You were surprised about the "Titanic." Did you question your Second Officer as to why you had not been called? - I did.
7374. What was his explanation to you? - He said that he sent down and called me; he had sent Gibson down, and Gibson told him I was awake and I had said, "All right, let me know if anything is wanted." I was surprised at him not getting me out, considering rockets had been fired. He said if they had been distress rockets he would most certainly have come down and called me himself but he was not a little bit worried about it all.
You get far better mileage with those primary sources!